Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius Essay
A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius - Essay Example Despite the fact that the book A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius addresses a ton of significant issues, (for example, passing, adversity and kids that stay without guardians), there are pundits that don't consent to the way that Dave Eggers’s composing has a place with inventive true to life (Forche 109). It isn't hard to see whether it is so through examining the eccentricities of class and style applied by the author in A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius. It ought to be noticed that the title of A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius is getting and fascinating for the peruser. It makes everybody thoroughly consider its significance and quest for a specific signs that will assist with clarifying why Dave Eggers has picked this very title for his book. It isn't extremely hard to take note of that the title of the book integrates with the book’s text. There are two contentions that can assist with demonstrating this perspective. The first is the multifa ceted nature of the circumstance depicted by the creator. The hero (Toph) loses both mother and father on account of ailment. Dave is attempting to speak to two guardians in a single face for this youngster. It is for all intents and purposes unimaginable. One must be a genuine virtuoso. Dave’s endeavors to raise Toph are every now and again disastrous. It is hard for him to assume the job of the child’s late guardians. ... It isn't better than the past with his dad and mom, however the disaster (that is passing) causes Toph to take a gander at the world from a very new perspective. With respect to me, it is hard for unsophisticated peruser to comprehend the importance of the title, particularly its representative nature. Everything turns out to be clear just when the peruser investigates Toph and Eggers’s spirits and lead. Regardless, the title picked by the writer of A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius completely corresponds with the setting of the entire composition (128). In spite of the fact that it might appear to be indistinct initially, it is difficult to make progressively applicable title for this breathtaking composition. It isn't exceptionally hard to make sense of the class of the book. It makes certain to be journal that has a place with innovative true to life. A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius gives the data about Toph and Dave’s life after the passing of Toph ’s guardians. The book has numerous concentrates where the writer depicts magazine’s history. It was made by Dave and his companions. The concentrates with the information about magazine might be viewed as pointless in the book, yet they are likewise the sign that the composing has a place with imaginative genuine. A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius comprises of 400 sixteen pages. This volume is typical for short history. By and by, there are pundits that are certain that Dave overlooked a ton of significant insights concerning the hero in his book. As per their perspective it is smarter to abbreviate various data about the magazine and expound more on Toph’s character, sentiments and enthusiastic experience. Nonetheless, it is realized that each peruser anticipates that something extraordinary should peruse in the wake of seeing the title of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Famine, Affluence, and Morality Essay Example for Free
Starvation, Affluence, and Morality Essay In Singer’s article Famine, Affluence, and Morality, his fundamental objective is to get the point over that there are individuals in the creating scene that are starving and have an absence of medicinal services and the absence of sanctuaries. He contends about how well-to-do nations respond to the issues like Bengal and the manner in which they take a gander at the ethical issue encompassing it. He likewise contends that the lifestyle is underestimated by abundance individuals. The main counter-contention in the article is â€Å"the see that numbers do make a difference†(Singer, 1971). It alludes to if each rich individual would give 5 dollars to the Bengal Relief Fund that cash would include. In this way, there is no motivation to need to give more cash than any other individual similarly situated. Artist contends this is based off a speculative circumstance. He, in any case, says in the article that it is extremely unlikely for that work since nobody would give in excess of 5 dollars then there would not be sufficient cash to give food, safe house, and clinical consideration. He says by giving in excess of 5 dollars he will have the option to end additionally languishing. The second counter contention individuals don't pass judgment on the manner in which Singer proposed they should. Numerous individuals will in general remain quiet about their decisions except if they go over the edge, step out limits, and break some sort of good code. The model that Singer utilizes is taking somebody else’s property. A great many people tend not to look awful on claiming costly things as opposed to providing for individuals less lucky. Singer’s reaction to this contention is, â€Å"unless that standard is dismissed, or the contentions are demonstrated to be unsound, I figure the end must stand anyway peculiar it shows up. It may, in any case, be intriguing to consider why our general public, and most different social orders, do pass judgment on any other way from the manner in which I have proposed they should. †(Singer, 1972) when do individuals adhere to a meaningful boundary at what ought to be done and what is acceptable however not obligatory. Vocalist raises a point that, â€Å"In a general public which held that no man ought to have all that anyone could need while others have short of what they need. †(Utilitarian Philosophers, NDG) Many individuals are impacted by the individuals around them. On the off chance that individuals are giving not as much as individuals around them are probably going to give less, yet in the event that individuals give more than individuals around him are probably going to give more. The third counter contention is the contrast among obligation and noble cause. The contention is that in some utilitarian hypothesis that everybody should work all day to build bliss over hopelessness. Implying that, if individuals work more, are paid more cash than individuals would not be as hopeless, numerous individuals state cash can't accepting bliss. Singer’s response to this counter-contention is that, â€Å"we should forestall as much enduring as possible without giving up something different of tantamount good significance. †(Utilitarian Philosophers, NDG) Vocalist characterizes minimal utility as the level at which giving more would bring about enduring in his wards or himself. The importance of this is one would confine their material belongings to not as much as nothing. He further clarifies that he proposed an increasingly moderate adaptation of minimal utility, â€Å"that we ought to forestall terrible events except if, to do as such, we needed to forfeit something ethically huge, for one may hold that to decrease oneself and ones family to this level is to make something altogether awful occur. (Artist, 1972) It identifies with his contentions since he demands that we have to restrict our material belongings to that of the Bengal exiles. Artist analyzes the differentiation among obligation and good cause as not a simple line to draw. Anyway Singer gives a model as this, â€Å"The altruistic man might be commended, yet the man who isn't magnanimous isn't denounced. At the point when we purchase new garments not to keep ourselves , warm however to look sharp looking we are not accommodating any significant need. We would not be yielding anything critical if we somehow happened to keep on wearing our old garments, and give the cash to starvation alleviation. Thusly, we would keep someone else from starving. †(Singer, 1972) as such, rather than purchasing costly useless stuff for yourself giving the additional cash would profit more individuals and make it increasingly beneficent; nonetheless, you don't give the additional cash to good cause you are not taken a gander at any in an unexpected way. I do concur with certain pieces of his article, be that as it may, I can't help contradicting a large portion of it. To start with, I feel that his article fall off with a significant disposition in my psyche. He does anyway make some valid statements like the manner in which he discusses how a few people are affected by the individuals around them. Another valid statement that he made is it ought not make any difference how far the separation is wilt they are in a similar territory as you are a huge number of miles away. I don't concur with how he intimates that the more extravagant you are the more you should give. I accept that an individual should give as much as the individual in question needs. I likewise accept that an individual giving cause ought not be held at a higher platform then somebody that can't provide for a noble cause.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Inspiring Ray Bradbury Quotes on Life, Death, and Everything In-Between
Inspiring Ray Bradbury Quotes on Life, Death, and Everything In-Between Like a lot of people, I was introduced to Ray Bradbury through the assigned reading of Fahrenheit 451 in high school. This is an important work, and a good gateway to Bradbury. And that is the key: to go through the gate. Bradbury wrote almost a dozen novels, a huge catalog of short stories, and plays. He is synonymous with science fiction, but he also gave us fantasy, horror, and hope. Some of Bradburys predictions and cautionary tales have come to fruition, which doesnt always speak well of us collectively (particularly regarding consumerism, entertainment, and technology). As for the man himself…he genuinely loved people, and wanted to teach his readers, educate them, and show them that love is what makes the world go round. He just pulled out the skeletons and nightmares from everyones closets to do it. Weve getting an awesome Fahrenheit 451 adaptation this year, and so we are celebrating Ray Bradburys beautiful mind with inspirational quotes pulled from his works and his own words, organized by theme. Ray Bradbury Quotes On Love and Life The Pin “Dont ask for guarantees. And dont look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library. Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were heading for shore.†â€"Fahrenheit 451 “We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.†â€"Fahrenheit 451 “And a lot of it will be wrong, but just enough of it will be right.†â€"Fahrenheit 451 The Pin “Why live? Life was its own answer. Life was the propagation of more life and the living of as good a life as possible.†â€"The Martian Chronicles “Believe in one thing too much and you have no room for new ideas.†â€"The October Country “A good night sleep, or a ten minute bawl, or a pint of chocolate ice cream, or all three together, is good medicine.†â€"Dandelion Wine “My dear, you never will understand time, will you? Youre always trying to be the things you were, instead of the person you are tonight. Why do you save those ticket stubs and theater programs? Theyll only hurt you later. Throw them away, my dear.†â€"Dandelion Wine All I can do is teach people to fall in love…Teach people to float in the air and fall in love with themselves. To reach out with their hands, and let life out through their fingertips onto paper. Its lack that gives us inspiration. Its not fullness. What we often forget is that thought is to be used to correct life. It’s not a way of life! If you make thought the center of your life, you’re not going to live it. So, what you have to do is be this kind of hysterical, emotional, vibrant creature who lives at the top of his lungs for a lifetime and then corrects around the edges so that he doesn’t go insane or drive his friends mad. Thought is the skin around the organ. The organ is full of blood and a beating heart, a soul and the exaltation of being alive! If you’re a passionate person afraid, then you can start to instruct the world. The Pin Ray Bradbury Quotes On Death “People die every day, psychologically speaking. Some part of them gets tired. And that small part tries to kill off the entire person.†â€"The October Country “How talented was death. How many expressions and manipulations of hand, face, body, no two alike.†â€"The October Country “She knew a thing she should have known all along: that dead people are like wax memoryâ€"you take them in your mind, you shape and squeeze them, push a bump here, stretch one out there, pull the body tall, shape and reshape, handle, sculpt and finish a man-memory until hes all out of kilter.†â€"I Sing the Body Electric “Is Death important? No. Everything that happens before death is what counts.†â€"Something Wicked This Way Comes The Pin Ray Bradbury Quotes On Writing and Reading “The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.†â€"Fahrenheit 451 My stories run up and bite me in the legâ€"I respond by writing them downâ€"everything that goes on during the bite. When I finish, the idea lets go and runs off. The reason I shift gears constantly, why Im doing an opera, why Ive done essays, why Ive written poetry for years that nobody wanted, why I do short stories and novels and screenplays…is so I will have new ways of failing. This means becoming a student again. I believe in creative failingâ€"to continue to write poems that fail and fail and fail until a day comes when youve got a thousand poems behind you and youre relaxed and you finally write a good poem. I absolutely demand of you and everyone I know that they be widely read in every damn field there is: in every religion and every art form and don’t tell me you haven’t got time! There’s plenty of time. …the secret of my books is love. All of my books are about love. If I can teach students that love is the center of the universe and that when theyre reading my books, theyre learning about all my love, on many different levels. The Pin Ray Bradbury Quotes On the Future When you look around at some of the new developments, the architecture of so many of our cities is so dreadful, and they sort of plan people out of existence. There’s no place to sit down, there’s no place to eat outdoors, all the things that make living so beautiful. It’s been a good century. There’ve been a lot of wars, but every other century’s had a lot of wars too. We’re still on top of it, and soon after the new centuryâ€"a year and a half from nowâ€"we’re going to go back to the moon. And then we’re going to head for Mars some time. And you’ll probably live to see it. We try to build ourselves a society here set up with laws made up to try and control ourselves, because we know we have a will toward violence…But in truth, where does the violence go? Our arts must help us to free the violence that is in our soul. If our movies and our televisions don’t have a certain amount of this we will become a society bound completely by laws, so the anarchy that rages within us on occasion will burst out and be ten times worse. Somehow we’ve got to find the right proportion if we want to build a society that allows itself to vent its rages. Ray Bradbury Quotes On Science Fiction It’s the greatest and only field worth growing up in. It’s the total field. As a result of reading science fiction, I grew up with an interest in music, architecture, city planning, transportation, politics, ethics, aesthetics on any level, art…it’s just total! It’s a complete commitment to the whole human race on all the Earth. That’s what science fiction is about. Call it what you want, but anything that even guesses ten minutes ahead or supposes new ways of birthing ourselves still fits. Ideas and philosophies change just as machines do. Religions changed because of the birth control pill. Politics changed because of the hydrogen bomb. All because of science fictional inventions. So people should realize that we are talking about very serious thingsâ€"but sometimes we pretend not to be serious in order to educate you. Childrens imaginations are piqued by the implications of science fiction. Also, as a child, did you want to have someone tying your shoes? Like hell you did. You tied your own as soon as you could. Science fiction acknowledges that we dont want to be lectured at, just shown enough so we can look it up ourselves. The way to teach in this world is to pretend youre not teaching. Science fiction offers the chance to pretend to look the other way while teaching. Science fiction is also a great way to pretend you are writing about the future when in reality you are attacking the recent past and the present. Need more Ray Bradbury quotes in your life? Check out these Fahrenheit 451 quotes!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Capybara Facts (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is the largest rodent in the world. Its common name comes from the Tupi phrase kaapià »ara, which means grass eater. The scientific name means water hog. Capybaras are related to guinea pigs, rock cavies, coypu, and chinchillas. Fast Facts: Capybara Scientific Name: Hydrochoerus hydrochaerisCommon Names: Capybara, chigà ¼ire, chigà ¼iro, carpincho, water hogBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 3.5-4.4 feetWeight: 77-146 poundsLifespan: 4 yearsDiet: HerbivoreHabitat: Wetlands of South AmericaPopulation: AbundantConservation Status: Least Concern Description The capybara has a barrel-shaped body and blunt muzzle, somewhat resembling a pig. The brittle fur is reddish-brownish in color and paler on the belly. The animals ears, eyes, and nose are high on its face so it can remain above water when the rodent is submerged. The capybara has a vestigial tail and partially webbed feet. On average, adult capybaras are 3.5 to 4.4 feet in length, stand about two feet tall, and weigh between 77 and 146 pounds. Females are slightly larger than males, with the largest recorded female weighing just over 200 pounds. Both males and females have anal scent glands and a special snout scent gland, called a morillo. The morillo is a distinctive feature of a capybaras face. Richard Evans / EyeEm, Getty Images Habitat and Distribution All South American countries except Chile are home to capybaras. The animals live in wetlands and near bodies of water. Escaped captive capybaras are found in Florida, but its unknown whether they have established a breeding population. Diet Capybaras are herbivores that graze upon grasses, fruit, tree bark, and aquatic plants. They eat their own feces and regurgitated food to help digest cellulose and retain gut flora. Their teeth grow continuously to compensate for the wear from grinding food. Behavior Although capybaras are excellent swimmers, they are able to run as fast as a horse on land. During the day, the rodents wallow in mud to stay cool. They graze before dawn, late in the afternoon, and into the evening. They often sleep in water with only their noses exposed to air. Capybaras use their scent glands and urine to mark territory. Females scent-mark areas more often during the mating season. Males mark females as well as objects. Reproduction and Offspring Capybaras live in herds of up to twenty individuals. Within the group, there is one dominant males, additional submissive males, females, and young. The dominant male has breeding rights to all of the females, but he cant oversee them all the time, so many of the submissive males also mate. Mating occurs once a year during the rainy season, which may be in April or May (Venezuela) or October or November (Brazil). A females scent changes when she is in estrus, plus she whistles through her nose to advertise fertility. Males pursue females and mate with them in the water. After 130 to 150 days of gestation, the female gives birth on land to a litter of one to eight young. The average litter size is four offspring. Baby capybaras are mobile, and they typically resemble their parents. The female and her young return to the water within a few hours of birth. The young may nurse from any female in the group. They start to eat grass after a week and are weaned around 16 weeks. Capybaras become sexually mature between one and two years of age. Young males often leave the herd when mature. Captive capybaras may live 8 to 10 years. Wild animals only live four years on average because they are popular prey for anacondas, jaguars, eagles, caimans, pumas, ocelots, and humans. Capybara young are miniature versions of their parents. Kevin Schafer, Getty Images Conservation Status Capybara conservation status is classified as least concern by the IUCN. The species is widely distributed and reproduces quickly. In some areas, hunting has diminished capybara numbers, but for the most part the population is stable and abundant. Capybaras and Humans Capybaras are hunted primarily for their meat and skin, although there is also a market for their fat, which is believed to have medicinal value. Ranchers sometimes kill the rodents because they compete with livestock for grazing. Capys are also farmed and kept in zoos. In some places, it is legal to keep a capybara as a pet. The animals are gentle and tolerate hand-feeding and petting. Sources Macdonald, D. W.; Krantz, K.; Aplin, R. T. Behavioral anatomical and chemical aspects of scent marking among Capybaras (Hydrochaeris hypdrochaeris) (Rodentia: Caviomorpha). Journal of Zoology. 202 (3): 341–360, 1984. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1984.tb05087.xMurphey, R.; Mariano, J.; Mouraduarte, F. Behavioral observations in a capybara colony (Hydrochaeris hypdrochaeris). Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 14: 89, 1985. doi:10.1016/0168-1591(85)90040-1Reid, F. Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2016: e.T10300A22190005. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T10300A22190005.en 502 502 502Woods, C.A. and C.W. Kilpatrick. Infraorder Hystricognathi. In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 1556, 2005. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Child Protection And Safety Act - 3046 Words
Running Head: Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 1 Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 10 Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 Natasha R. Dixon Durham Technical Community College: Durham, N.C. Abstract In recent years, policymakers and parents of missing, abducted and slain children have demanded action against the growing problem of pedophiles in the United States. This literature examines one of the most controversial child safety acts passed in U.S. history. The paper will introduce to you how the child safety act started, the most controversial part of the act, the constitutional challenges the act faces; and the rationale behind the child safety act. This topic was of most†¦show more content†¦( John and his wife Reve’ immediately channeled their grief into helping others and protecting children from child predators, preventing attacks against children, and bringing child predators to justice. In 1984, as they helped to pass The Missing Children’s Act of 1982 and The Missing Children’s Assistance Act of 1984. In 1983, The Adam Walsh story was made into an NBC television movie called, Adam. In 2006, former President George W. Bush signed into law the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (â€Å"Walsh Act†) â€Å"The Walsh Act is a recent addition to an array of federal programs designed to combat sexual violence and child exploitation in America. Its stated purposes are to protect children from sexual exploitation and violent crime, to prevent child abuse and child pornography, to promote Internet safety, and to honor the memory of Adam Walsh and other child crime victims.†(President Signs Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. (n.d.). PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e426372008-004) Title I Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 was established as The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (‘SORNA’)[footnoteRef:1] and received the most media attention because it expanded the National Sex Offender Registry nationally and established sanctions up to a maximum of twenty years for sex offenders who do not comply with the laws registration requirements. (Zgoba, K., Ragbir, D. (2016). [1:Show MoreRelatedThe State Law Enforcement Agency1055 Words  | 5 Pageswith ten days. Verification forms must be signed and the person must report they still reside at the same address last reported to the state law enforcement agency. Failure to mail the verification form within ten days results in a violation of the act unless the person is able to prove their address has not changed (statute). Convicted offenders who must register are required to comply until â€Å"ten years have elapsed†since they have been released from prison, paroled, given supervised release orRead MoreEssay about Adam Walsh Act1155 Words  | 5 PagesAdam Walsh Act. The case of six-year old Adam Walsh is perhaps one that will never leave the minds of anyone initially horrified by its details. In 1981 young Adam was kidnapped from a local mall and regardless of tireless efforts by his parents John and Reve Walsh, volunteers, and law enforcement; Adam fell victim to murder. Two weeks after the boy went missing, his decapitated head was located, but his body was never found. This prompted his father John Walsh to start a campaign and legislatureRead MoreIdentify and Respond to Children and Young People at Risk of Harm1159 Words  | 5 Pages1. List the observations that together indicate possible ‘risk of significant harm’ Risk of harm is the indication that the child may suffer physical, emotional, and psychological harm because of neglect by the parent or guardian responsible for his care. In Jamelle’s case, indication includes physical signs like; †¢ Various large bruises †¢ Smelling strong urine stale †¢ Dirty and unwashed skin †¢ Lack of fresh changing clothes †¢ Vomiting †¢ Bloodshot eyes †¢ Psychological l problems suchRead More Missing Children Essay1100 Words  | 5 Pagesfor child crime offenders. â€Å"The murder transformed John Walshs life, turning him from a middle-class hotel marketing executive into one of countrys best known advocates for missing children†(Thomas, 2008). In this paper, the initial legislative policy signed into law by President George W. Bush and the current policy addition initiative sought by Mr. Walsh is examined. The Scope of the Initiative With the signing of the initial policy by President Bush in 2006, the Adam Walsh Child ProtectionRead MoreThe Positive Effects Of Employment On Lowering Recidivism1344 Words  | 6 Pagesfirst subjected to federal registration laws with the passage of the 1994 Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Act. In 1996, Megan’s Law was passed, which required states to post the sex offender registry online and to conduct community notification. Finally, in 2006 the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Child Safety Act was passed, which required all states to follow strict guidelines regarding registration and community notification requirements. Employment and RecidivismRead MoreChild Protection Laws For Adam Walsh1855 Words  | 8 Pagesgame assuming her child would be okay while she was only going to be a few aisles away from her son. She told her Adam where she would be and would return in a few minutes to pick him up, gave him a kiss and rushed to find the lamps she was looking for. Unfortunately upon her return Adam would not be where Reve had left him and to her dismay she would never see her son alive again. Child protection laws prior to Adam Walsh were very limited on who can be near a child or if a child was killed thereRead MoreIdentify the Current Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People.1051 Words  | 5 Pagespeople. These are as follows: †¢ Children’s act 1098/2004 †¢ Education act 2002 †¢ E-safety 2008 †¢ Safeguarding †¢ Human rights act. And many more. The following is an outline of current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within the UK Home Nation for Safeguarding Children. The United Nations Convention on the rights of a child 1989 was approved by the UK on the 16th December 1991, this includes: †¢ Children’s rights to protection from abuse. †¢ The rights to express their viewsRead MoreSafeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People1406 Words  | 6 Pagesday work with young children (1.3) The Children act 1989 The aim of this act is to simplify the laws that are already in place, which protect children and young people in the UK. It was seen as a â€Å"serious shake up†of children’s rights and protection, and also made it clear what the duties are for all who work with children and young people and how they should work as a team in the event of a child abuse allegation. The Education act 2002 The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) worksRead MorePrinciples for Implementing Duty of Care in Health Social Care or Childrens and Young Peoples Settings1247 Words  | 5 Pagesfraught with unreasonable risk of danger | | |to others. Early years settings owe a duty of care to take reasonable care to ensure that their acts or omissions do not | | |cause reasonably foreseeable injury to the children in their care. | | |Section 40 of the Child care Act 2006 ensures Early Years settings implement the Legislative Framework of the Early Years | | |foundation Stage. It is this that imposes a dutyRead MoreLegal and Ethical Issues in Childcare1392 Words  | 6 Pagesthe relevant government agency that deals with child protection in your state – South Australia. The South Australia Department for Families and Communities (DFC) is responsible for child protection among other things. (COAG) Families SA runs the Child Abuse Report Line on 131 478. The Report Line is the focal point where all child protection concerns are to be reported. There are three teams in operation during these times. 1) The standard Child Abuse Report Line team is made up of social workers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sample of Auditor Report Free Essays
NALGA National Association of Local Government Auditors NALGA Peer Review Committee 1220 SW Fifth Ave. , Room 120 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 823-3542 October 27, 2000 Mr. Ronald A. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample of Auditor Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Coen, Director Fairfax County Internal Audit Office Fairfax, Virginia 22035 Mr. Coen: We have completed an external quality control review of the Fairfax County Internal Audit Office for audits initiated during the period July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000. In conducting our review, we followed the standards and guidelines contained in the NALGA Quality Control Review Guide published in May 1995, by the National Association of Local Government Auditors. As prescribed by the NALGA Guide, we reviewed the internal quality control system of your audit organization and evaluated a sample of audits conducted by your office for compliance with government auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Due to variance in individual performance and judgment, compliance does not imply adherence to standards in every case, but does imply adherence in most situations. We have concluded from our review that your system of internal quality control is suitably designed and provides reasonable assurance that applicable government auditing standards are followed in your audit work. We have also concluded from the sample of audits evaluated that your quality controls worked effectively and that audits were conducted in conformance with applicable standards during the period reviewed. It is our opinion that the Internal Audit Office of the County of Fairfax Virginia was in compliance with government auditing standards during the period reviewed. We have prepared a separate management letter which provides additional details on the work performed and suggestions for further strengthening of your system of internal quality control. ___________________ Drew Harmon Assistant Municipal Auditor City of Roanoke __________________ James Pell Senior Auditor City of Richmond __________________ Ned Smith Senior Auditor Chesterfield County How to cite Sample of Auditor Report, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Disadvantages Cloud Computing For Business -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: What Are The Key Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Cloud Computing In Business? How Far The Existing Literature Successfully Inform About The Various Facets Of Cloud Computing? What Are The Ways In Which Cloud Computing Impact On Business Management? What Are The Key Gaps In Existing Literature In Cloud Computing? What Are The Key Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Cloud Computing In Business? How Far The Existing Literature Successfully Inform About The Various Facets Of Cloud Computing? What Are The Ways In Which Cloud Computing Impact On Business Management? What Are The Key Gaps In Existing Literature In Cloud Computing? Answers: Introduction Innovation leads to higher productivity and today web is identified as the root to achieve higher productivity and thus enhance business in a strategic way powered by the cloud technology. Cloud computing enhances scope of handling and using data in a systematic way by allowing multiple users to handle data as and when needed from the cloud. Data today is stored in cloud instead of the employee computer that used to limit access to important resources. With cloud technology today anyone could access the information and make contribution in the project and enhance the quality of work. For examples, it helps sharing the data during the course of the development and hence no longer the document needs to be sent for revision or review. As the document is stored in the cloud it could be accessed and evaluated during the development period and hence co-workers and seniors could edit the web-based document and create a quality project in a systematic way (Cloud Computing and Its Advantages, 2016). Thus, cloud provides scope for extensive flexibility and data control. Cloud allows the administrator to manage the applications in the most effective way and employees could use services properly. Though cloud computing enhance data control and offers flexibility in usage and allows companies to outsource data through internet connection. Since Cloud is one of the most commonly used technologies of the century the research here aims studying the various applications of cloud, with special focus on studying and understanding different advantages as well as disadvantages of cloud computing for business organisation. The researcher has studied extensively from several scholarly research papers, books and journals and discussed various facets of cloud computing in a defined way (Avram, 2014). Project Objective After underpinning the aim of the study the following objectives could be identified that will act as the guideline of the research study and assist in completing the investigation in a chronological manner. To study and understand key advantages of cloud computing in business To shed a light on various disadvantages of using cloud computing in business To understand various models and theories of cloud computing To explore the future of cloud computing in business Project Scope Though cloud computing is user friendly and enhances overall performance level of the company, it is not free from complication and impediments. Hence, it is essential for business enterprises to understand the way cloud computing functions in a particular set up. The research paper here emphasises of determining various key concepts of cloud computing and also underpin similarities amidst resources (Bhowmik, 2017). A thorough research shall be carried out to ensure proper understanding of the topic and appropriate evaluation of research objectives as mentioned above. Primary Question What are the ways in which the issue could be handled in future and help companies improve the use of cloud technology and enhance performance in a cost effective way? Literature Review As far as the literature review or qualitative data evaluation is concerned on the topic that has been carried out separately, it may be underpinned here after studying from the respective journal analysis, that cloud technology influences a business in both positive and negative manner. Several researchers further identified cloud as a technology that helps in computing advanced data management work without making additional investment in specialised hard and software. Hence, small and mid-sized business as studied in the articles published by (Buyya, Vecchiola and Selvi, 2013) could easily save money from additional investment in infrastructure and set up. Companies could easily use several devices and improve data accessibility as well as storage and management system. It is further discussed that service providers offers various opportunities for data management. They provide businesses with well-designed data storage platform so that adequate amount of data may be stored and man aged accordingly. This is a diverse and effective concept (Williams, 2010). After conducting an empirical study of the topic it has been understood that the approach of cloud computing is not free from limitations. Hence though it offers several benefits to a business, such as flexibility, cost reduction, software update, agility, scalability, yet there are various issues that lead to business risk and loss of data due to unexpected attacks. The analysis here also presents different types of attack those impacts on the performance of cloud (Breeding, 2012). On studying the collated data it is evident that since cloud is a recent phenomenon, the analyst has successfully collected information from recently published journals and articles or books and research paper on the same topic. Though the researcher has carried out a considerable amount of study and collected information from various sources, yet there is a dearth in the research as only a handful number of recent researchers have conducted the study. Since this is not a traditional topic, in-depth analysis on the issue is unavailable and researchers rarely got scopes of referring to previously published articles on the topic, instead they managed to conduct critical analysis and in-depth evaluation based on the data collected (Buyya, Vecchiola and Selvi, 2013). re and help companies improve the use of cloud technology and enhance performance in a cost effective way? Hypothesis: H1 : cloud computing has business benefits H2: Cloud computing improves business management and reduces overall expense Research Design and Methodology In this section of the proposal the methodology is identified where key techniques and tools of conduction of the research is discussed so as to complete the study in a defined manner. Researcher here studies different methods and also understands key approaches, design, and data collection method to identify ways in which the research may be completed in a proper way. The discussion on cloud computing and its impact on business management is hence carried out by considering various aspects like several key tools and techniques, research methods, sample size, validity of data and ethical issues. This study report on cloud computing has adopted qualitative method and then followed a thorough analysis of impact of cloud on business. In order to conduct such a study the researcher has applied inclusion and exclusion criteria and collected relevant information on cloud computing and advantages of using the innovation (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). This part of the analysis hence envisages several methodologies that are used in completing the study. The area however focuses on understanding, identification and recognition as well as collection of specific information and the design of the analysis. Research Philosophy: There are different types of Research Philosophies that aim at exploring the application of knowledge in the respective study on advantages of using cloud in business operations. As delineated in the diagram above, there are three main types of philosophies, positivism, phenomenology and realism. These are generally applied in research works. In the Positivism philosophy the researcher emphasises on collecting facts in the first and then conduct the research study by evaluating two sets of distinct factors one against the other. On the other hand Realism Philosophy is about feeling of senses in which there is a dearth in real time existence and thus a need for rational judgement of human mind is needed. Phenomenology is strictly about discriminating people as per the presence of social factors (Kothari and Garg, 2016). In this particular report on cloud computing the analyst has selected positivism philosophy and would hence collect primary and secondary data for proper evaluation and analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be accumulated during the course of the data collection and will also study from several academic sources and previously research works to present a critical understanding of the topic. The positivism approach is very specific in nature and the conclusion is drawn in a scientific way based on facts. Besides this, there is little scope for imagination in the research process (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). Research Approach: There are mainly two types of research approaches Inductive and Deductive Approach Deductive approach has been selected here with the positivism philosophy in this report on cloud computing and its role in business management. Since the researcher is not developing any new theory, instead exploring the existing models and studying from available resources the deductive approach is more suitable here. The analyst will also focus on studying from several scholarly literature, books and other sources and critically analyse them. On the other hand collection of primary data shall improve the study and create a platform for conducting comparison and validation of theories. With the help of deductive approach the researcher also presents the data in graphical and statistical manner. Thus, deductive approach is suitable in the respective study (Jha, 2008). There are two types of research methods, namely Qualitative and Quantitative methods of researching. Qualitative method: Research method helps in accomplishing the end result of the study in a systematic way. Methodology in research work is a continuous process that adapts to the need of the particular study and emphasises on improving the quality of the research and enables the researcher with support to complete the search in a proper way. According to (Lancaster, 2012), Qualitative Research is a viable mode of investigation and has been used where there is a need for the conduction of empirical study. A Qualitative researcher ideally analysis and synthesises historical data and presents it from a critical perspective. Qualitative research is generally exploratory in nature and is applied to gain a clear understanding of specific underlying reasons, motivations as well as opinions. This qualitative approach provides a clear insight about the problem and helps in developing ideas or hypothesis for the particular qualitative research. The Quantitative data helps in giving a right direction to the analysis segment of the research work. Quantitative is usually the primary data that has been collected by circulating the questionnaire among the respondents. This information is represented on spread sheet for evaluation and proper study. In this research work the analyst would Quantitative method for evaluation and study. The quantitative approach will be applied in primary data collection process while the qualitative data will be collected by studying from secondary sources (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). Research Design The research design is identified based on the aim and objectives of the study. There are ideally three main types of research designs, namely Explanatory, Descriptive and Exploratory. Both Explanatory and Exploratory that used in researchers that lacks in a set of formal research aim and objectives and the researcher does not possess sufficient information on the topic. Descriptive design however is used in constructive research works where there is a distinguished set of objectives as well as hypothesis and questions. Descriptive research usually answers questions like what, how, when, where and who (Kothari and Garg, 2016). The research on advantages of cloud computing in business here is well structured and has a formal set of aim, objectives and hypothesis. Hence the Descriptive design is suitable here for conduction of the study in a structured as well as formal manner. This approach here offers scope of conducting in-depth analysis on the topic and reliable as well as valid information could be collected for completing the investigation in a proper way. The study is also limited by time line and is expected to be completed within the respective deadline. Under Descriptive Design format the researcher also gets the scope of evaluating a huge amount of primary data and evaluates and analyse as per the need of the study. Hence the particular design is suitable here (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). Research Instrument The researcher will collect both primary and secondary data to complete the investigation in a systematic way. The collection of both Primary and Secondary data will give a proper dimension to the study and enable the researcher to present the analysis from two distinct perspectives. Primary Data: Primary data is those data that was never published before and was collected first time for the purpose of the particular research study. The primary data is collected by circulating questionnaire and taking interview of the respondents. In this study the researcher will collect both Qualitative and Quantitative primary data and explore the issues from two separate perspectives (Kothari and Garg, 2016). In order to collect primary quantitative data a set of closed ended questionnaire will be developed and circulated among the employees of the company. A sample size of 50 will be identified for the purpose of data accumulation. On the other hand another set of open ended questionnaire will be framed to conduct focus group among the managers. The open ended interview questions will offer scope of answering in detail and the participants will be free to respond and participate without any restrictions or compulsion (Jha, 2008). Secondary Data: The secondary data is however previously published that that were researched and published by other researchers on the same topic. The researcher conducts an empirical study on the topic from several scholarly sources, books, journals and research works published on the same topic. Most research works that are referred here are based on previously published research articles where primary information has been collected and evaluated for the purpose of better understanding. The articles will be studied extensively and a critical understanding of the topic shall be presented in a detailed manner (Crowther et al. 2009). Quantitative Data Analysis Process The Data Analysis process includes several steps such as inspecting, cleaning, transforming as well as modelling data so as to reach the goal in a defined way. The Quantitative Data analysis process includes an approach for collecting information in a numeric form. The main instrument of data collection here is questionnaire and then there are several steps that help in analysing quantitative data. The process then includes data cleaning, coding, presentation as well as interpretation of data and discussion of the same. Sampling Sampling technique is applied here in primary data collection to act as a guideline for data collection. There are different types of sampling techniques, namely Probability, Random and Non-Probability sampling technique. In this study the Random sampling approach shall be considered as random methods reduces scope of biasness and participants are selected on a random basis (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). Sampling size For the purpose of collecting primary data a sample size of 50 respondents shall be selected on a random basis to accumulate data through circulation of closed ended questionnaire. The employees from several offices shall be included to understand how far they benefited from the respective approach of cloud computing. In order to collect primary qualitative data a sample size of 5 managers will be selected to conduct focus group. Interview and Questionnaire Design The quantitative questionnaire for collecting primary data will be developed by following likert scale. This will be closed ended in nature and offer little scope for imagination. The questionnaire will be circulated on survey monkey and sent through mails so that participants could simply fill up the questionnaire and reply. The qualitative questions however will be open ended in nature and will be addressed to conduct interview session which will be recorded and interpreted later (Kothari and Garg, 2016). Reliability and Validity of Data This research here focuses completely on studying advantages of cloud computing on business management in Australia. The data collected are validated, as the secondary data collected are supported with names of the original authors in the Bibliography and in the primary data collection since the participants are not willing to share personal detail, only the company name and general details are mentioned (Crowther et al. 2009). Research Limitations The academic research is not free from limitations. Some of the common constraints in this research work are time, fund and resources. Since this is a student research work, the analyst is forced to complete an extensive study of professional nature within a short period. Besides this all students are expected to submit the research work within a deadline and complete within an allocated budget. These are few limitations which impact on the quality of the research work. Time Schedule (Research plan) Criteria Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Introduce to the topic on cloud computing and its importance in business Underpinning research objectives and hypothesis Collect secondary data from various academic sources Complete the Literature Review Identify research Methodology and select philosophy, approach, and research methods Accumulate primary data by circulating questionnaire Evaluate and interpret primary data Conclusion and Recommendation for future studies Conclusion Since impact of cloud computing leads to enhancement in performance of the company, irrespective of the size of magnitude of the organisation, companies today have focussed on including an IT department and make use of Cloud in the most effective way. Cloud computing nowadays is therefore bringing new tools as well as new perspectives of evolution for the company that is using it properly. Cloud computing is hence identified as a benefit especially for mid-level and small sized companies, as they can compete with bigger enterprises being armed with new options in data management and company easily saves money through cloud computing. It is cheaper than other companies. Reference List Avram, M. (2014). Advantages and Challenges of Adopting Cloud Computing from an Enterprise Perspective.Procedia Technology, 12, pp.529-534. Bhowmik, S. (2017).Cloud Computing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Breeding, M. (2012).Cloud computing. London: Facet. Buyya, R., Vecchiola, C. and Selvi, S. (2013).Mastering cloud computing. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann. Chandra, S. and Sharma, M. (2013).Research methodology. Oxford: Alpha Science Internat. Cloud Computing and Its Advantages. (2016).International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 5(6), pp.1821-1853. Crowther, D., Lancaster, G. and Lancaster, G. (2009). Research methods. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Jha, N. (2008). Research methodology. Chandigarh: Abhishek Publications. Kothari, C. and Garg, G. (2016).Research methodology. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Limeted. Lancaster, G. (2012). Research Methods. Taylor Francis. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003). Research methods for business students. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall. Velte, A., Velte, T. and Elsenpeter, R. (2010).Cloud computing. New York: McGraw-Hill. Williams, M. (2010).A quick start guide to cloud computing. London: Kogan Page.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Addictions Essays - Behavioral Addiction, Psychiatric Diagnosis
Addictions Physical and psychological addictions are very alike and very different at the same time. Addiction means that the person addicted thrives on the substance or action. Physical addictions like alcoholism and heroin are sometimes very noticeable yet, psychological addictions like gambling are very hard to diagnose. A similarity between the two types of addictions are the stages that lead up to a full blown addiction. Addictions go through many stages before reaching the pinnacle of an addiction. For example, a gambler will first start off betting a dollar, then two, then ten, then a hundred until finally the gambler is broke. An example for a physical addiction would be the stages that lead to becoming a true alcoholic. It will all start with one beer, , then Jell-O shooters, then a margarita, then just drinking liquor straight up out of the bottle, then who knows what the drinker will turn to next. After going through all of these stages the term used for the addiction is usually disease because the addiction is going to slowly kill the person addicted. Though the term addiction is usually thought of as someone on drugs or drinking, many normal everyday people are addicted to the one thing everyone has a little of everyday, caffeine. Caffeine is one of North America's leading addictions prevalent amongst teenagers. Caffeine is found in chocolate, soda, coffee, and tea. In conclusion, this shows that many things can become addictive. No matter what the addiction it is not good. If more people would realize this there would be less of an addiction crisis than there is today.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Free Essays on Offer And Acceptance
spoken or act done by the offeree or by his authorised agent which the law can regard as the communication of acceptance to the proposal. Acceptance can simply be defined as an act which completes the formation of the contract. It must be noted that both offer and acceptance must be made in clear terms, and there must exist the conformity, and continuity of the offer and acceptance. With more or less completeness of acceptance; that will suffice to preclude the party if the other requirements for an estoppel are satisfied In the case of Preston Corp Sdn Bhd v Edward Leong & Ors, an offer is defined as an animation of willingness by an offeror to enter into a legally binding contract. Its terms either expressly or impliedly must indicate that it is to become binding on the offeror as soon as it has been accepted by the offeree. In another case of Malaysian Flour Mills Bhd. V Saw Eng Chee & Anor It was held by the High Court that as the acceptor had added new terms to his acceptance, the acceptance was not valid as it is merely amounted to a counter-offer. From the case of Abdul Rashid Abdul Majid v Island Golf and Properties Sdn Bhd, the contract between the plaintiffs and the defendants was formed only when the plaintiff accepted the offer by making the ... Free Essays on Offer And Acceptance Free Essays on Offer And Acceptance OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE An offer can be defined as a definite promise to be bound provided that certain specified terms are accepted. The offeror must have completed his share in the formation of the contract by finally declaring his readiness to undertake an obligation upon certain conditions, leaving the offeree the option of accepting or refusal. Offer can also be seen as a promise by the offeror to do or to abstain from doing something; provided that the offeree will accept the offer and pay or promise to the price of the offer. Acceptance on the other hand is an intention by the offeree to accept that offer. There must be an external manifest to assent, some words spoken or act done by the offeree or by his authorised agent which the law can regard as the communication of acceptance to the proposal. Acceptance can simply be defined as an act which completes the formation of the contract. It must be noted that both offer and acceptance must be made in clear terms, and there must exist the conformity, and continuity of the offer and acceptance. With more or less completeness of acceptance; that will suffice to preclude the party if the other requirements for an estoppel are satisfied In the case of Preston Corp Sdn Bhd v Edward Leong & Ors, an offer is defined as an animation of willingness by an offeror to enter into a legally binding contract. Its terms either expressly or impliedly must indicate that it is to become binding on the offeror as soon as it has been accepted by the offeree. In another case of Malaysian Flour Mills Bhd. V Saw Eng Chee & Anor It was held by the High Court that as the acceptor had added new terms to his acceptance, the acceptance was not valid as it is merely amounted to a counter-offer. From the case of Abdul Rashid Abdul Majid v Island Golf and Properties Sdn Bhd, the contract between the plaintiffs and the defendants was formed only when the plaintiff accepted the offer by making the ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Conventional PCR using agarose gel electrophoresis detection Essay
Conventional PCR using agarose gel electrophoresis detection - Essay Example While addition of gel, the care for the percentage of it has to be taken as â€Å"a 0.7% gel will show good separation (resolution) of large DNA fragments (5–10kb) and a 2% gel will show good resolution for small fragments (0.2–1kb).†So, the percentage of the gel is kept between 0.7% to 2%. With intention to separate very tiny fragments, addition of high percentage ( up to 3%), is not useful as a vertical polyacrylamide gel is more appropriate in this case. The medium percentage is always recommended as low percentage gel may break while trying to lift them and high percentage gels may often brittle not setting evenly. Lewis recommends 1% gel to use. While suggesting for gel tank Lewis recommends, â€Å"Small 8x10cm gels (minigels) are very popular and give good photographs.†For the applications of Southern and Northern blotting, larger gels are used. 30–50mL and 205 mL of agarose is required for minigel and larger gel respectively. While deciding the amount of DNA to be added to this solution, the nature of analysis has to be kept in mind. According to Lewis â€Å"Typically, a band is easily visible if it contains about 20ng of DNA.†After doing all the above preparation Lewis says, â€Å"I usually digest and load 2–4 µL of the 50 µL obtained from a kit miniprep. But you see how it depends on the number and size of the bands expected. For PCR reactions, it depends on the PCR but in routine applications 10–20 µL should be plenty to see the product on the gel.†Depending on the volume of DNA being loaded and the number of samples, the design of comb is decided to include in the process. Lewis recommends, â€Å"Combs with many tiny teeth may hold 10 µL. This is no good if you want to load 20 µL of restriction digest plus 5 µL of loading buffer. When deciding whether a comb has enough teeth, remember that you need to load at least one marker lane, preferably two.†After
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Influence of Cold War on Development i the Third World Essay
Influence of Cold War on Development i the Third World - Essay Example Third world countries adopted capitalist economy that has hindered their developments in many ways. Considering the level of human interference such as government regulations, selfish interests and communism policies can be claimed to have hindered development. Permanent economic forces such as the forces of demand, supply, unemployment, and inflation have been consistently applied in academic teachings where the forces are traced into a perfect self-balance in the free market economies. Unlike the free market economies that could have enabled third world countries to improve their economic prosperity through the self-balancing forces, the capitalist economies have continually had effective development. The forces of unemployment have driven most third world countries into underutilization of resources that could have been effectively used to advance economic developments into industrialization and self-sufficiency among the states. Moreover, third world countries continue to become under-developed due to lack of balance of the controlled and government regulated markets (Arnold Harberger, 1998, p50-54) The ideologies of capitalist states that spilled over into the third world countries have resulted in ownership of the biggest percentage of states resources by a few individuals, while the majority of the population continue to languished in poverty. The ideological frameworks have led into high level of inequality among people, since land and asset owners have accumulated wealth from the middle class and forced them into poverty. A good example of the capitalists market is Chile, which has experienced societal war of the middle class and the poor against the rich. Indeed, forty-five percent of the population was below the poverty line while ten percent of the population increased their income by eighty three percent since the introduction of the capitalist rule (Eduardo Galeano, 1983, p86). Geo-Political Framework It is believed that third world countries have remained underdeveloped due to domination of political framework where the society is forced into accepting the non-communi st system of governance and economic strategy. The systems of communism where people exist freely without being restricted and operating in free markets were barred by dictatorial rule. According to Garner (N.d), this kind of dictatorial rule seeks to manifest its ideologies and establish itself at the expense of the welfare of the society that has utilized liberal ideologies to build itself and live in harmony. The story of the three little pigs that built their houses with liberal ideas and freedom of choice represents the free market economy where democracy exists. This kind of ideology is what the third world countries need to protect against the ‘Wolf and its imperialist rule’ to achieve development and industrialization. This kind of government often faces a threat of revolution among members of the society. The Nicaraguan case is viewed as a social movement towards revolution against the imperialist ideological rule that has degraded humanity in poverty and despe ration (Ross and Levy, N.d, 410). Dictatorial rule was seen to subject citizens who were against this kind of rule to torture and even death. Citizens who were seen to have ideologies that were contrary to the system of
Monday, January 27, 2020
Health Benefits of Syzygium Cumini
Health Benefits of Syzygium Cumini ABSTRACT: Syzygium cumini which is commonly known as Jamun or Jambul is quite famous as the Indian summer fruit and is in use very much. This plant has innumerable use in the field of health and medicine. Starting from earlier the usage of jamun is in use and is been used in the ayurvedic and unani medicine from traditional times. Syzygium cumini (L). SKEEL is flowering plant which belong to the family Myrtaceae. The major function of Syzygium cumini is that it helps in the treatment of DIABETES. In many developing countries where medicine are not fully developed, the fruits of Syzygium cumini are been in use so as to cure many diseases. During many research it was been found that this plant is rich in many chemical composition which helps in curing many diseases. Particularly the plant contain a high amount of anthocyanin, glucoside etc. which contain medicinal properties. Not only the single part of the plant but each and every part of the plant contains medicinal properties starting from le aves till its bark and root all are of equally importance. The seeds especially play major role in the treatment of blood sugar as they help in reducing the blood sugar level in body and also constitute many antioxidants. The researchers have developed many medicine from the extract of jamun which can be beneficial in treating many diseases. The species of syzygium cumini is native to the countries like India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan etc. Scientist have found that the syzygium cumini consist of a wide varieties of phytochemicals and nutrients. In other countries it is also known as black plum, java plum etc. Apart from all these countries Syzygium is also been grown in various other countries and is been used in treating many disorders specially Diabetes. It is usually treated as a medicinal source from traditional time being. In this term paper the major important points which are been focused are what are all the important characteristic features of the plant Syzygium cumini and how this plant and its part are been used up in the health field. .KEYWORDS: phytochemicals, syzygium cumini, diabetes, INTRODUCTION If it has to be started from the very beginning the start would be from the origin of usage of the plant syzygium cuimni as a medicinal element. From early time when medicine were not known much to people the use of herbs and natural drugs were in very common state. Since then the use of plant is very common and from then onward the scope of syzygium became widely famous. SYZYGIUM CUMINI is a plant which is of great use. It has many characteristic compounds which possess disease curing feature. Syzygium is a species of Myrtaceae, which is native to the many countries such as Pakistan, India, Bhutan, etc. Since the research going on from the last few years it was found that this plant and all the part of it possess especially the seeds and bark possess anti-diabetic curing characteristic. During the studies in last decades the anti-diabetic feature of this plant is been cited in many research paper and review article. It is said to be that these plants are found to be rich in compounds such as anthocyanin, anti-oxidant properties and much more which help in curing this disease. It was noticed that the seeds contain many chemical composition which help in reducing the blood sugar level. Apart from the major role in curing diabetes Syzygium cumini also has many other properties and important role in health. It can be said that it is core of many function s which are been very useful for human beings. The discussion of each and every part of jamun and their major function is done. The other points which are been discussed would be up till now what all research is been done in the development of medicines from the plant extract. Hence these all point would be discussed in the following review article apart from this the major research growing up in the development of medicines from jamun is also been discussed futher. SOURCE: BENEFICIAL PARTS OF SYZYGIUM CUMINI OR JAMUN During the research which was done it was found that not only the fruits but each and every part of the plant is found to be equally important and consisting of some of the medicinal value. [3] It was found that it was a very good source of cartenoids and many other vitamins which are been proved to be very beneficial for human beings. Starting from the leaves to the bark and seed each of the plant extract is of equally importance in medical field. On by one each of them are discussed as follows: LEAVES : It was earlier discussed that every part of syzygium cumini is comprised of a lot of medicinal value. One of the important part of this plant is its leaves. After doing several experiment is was found that the leaves of jamun consisted of anti-microbial characteristic. It was found that the extract of the leaves of this plant is been used in order to cure many skin diseases especially skin wound as they contain some of the important chemical composition such as: anthocyanin etc which consist of anti-microbial factor in it.[4] Due to these anti-microbial content the developing research institute are working so as to make many daily uses product such as soap and cream from jamun extract. Source: Apart from the antimicrobial characteristic the leaves of syzygium cumini also consisted of other important feature such as the leaves also helps in curing gum problems and teeth problems. Some recent research has shown that the extract of leaves if is used also helps in relieving from gastropathy, leucorrhoea, stoamchalgia etc. these are some of the major problems related to the stomach. The leaves extract also helps in curing stomach constipation. Thus the leaves of this plant, syzygium cumini is of equally important as it helps in curing many gastrointestinal problems. SEEDS Seeds of syzygium cumini plant is of atmost importance. It was noticed that the leaves also possess many other characteristic feature out of which the cure of diabetes is n of the important feature. During the last 125 year research which was much before the discovery of insulin many evidence were seen which defined that seeds of these plants help in curing the blood sugar level. In the research it was found that the seeds of jamun contain many elements such as gulcoside jambolin which help usually help in reducing blood sugar level by reducing the conversion of starch to sugar by changing the various chemical processes in it. Apart from this one characteristic the leaves also contain other falvonoids, phenol and rich in protein and calcium. [4]. After performing several experiment on mice and rats it was found that seed of syzygium cumini were capable of curing main 2 type of diabetes Hence it was experimentally proved that the seeds of syzygium were proved to be effective against controlling blood sugar level. Other studies have also revealed that the seeds also contain many alknoids , these alknoids have an ability toward the hyperglycemic effect. Hence it can be beneficial in many ways. BARK Bark which is another part of the plant jamun is also effective in many manners. The bark of syzygium cumini contain ANTI-OXIDANT characteristic. It also comprises of many other characteristic one of which is diabetes control too. It can be said that overall each and every part of jamun is of equally significance. Starting from the leaves to the bark and fruit each hold medicinal characteristic. In this the bark of the plants are found to be having properties like antimicrobial which is also one of the important characteristic. FRUITS OF JAMUN The fruits of jamun are also very significant. After doing several research, scientist have found that the fruit of jamun is mainly treated in symptoms like stomachic , diuretic, etc. Many a times the juice of this fruits is been consumed in order to get relieve from problems like constipation and many other gastrointestinal problems. A very common problem related to gum is known as GINGIVITIS which can also be cured by using the extract of fruits of this plant{7} Due to these several important characteristic these are commercially used and many medicines are also been derived from them. Source: As the health benefits of syzygium were well known before hence many food industries started to making products from jamun or syzygium parts In this the main important products which were involved were the juices. Juices which were derived from jamun extract mainly from their fruits were commercially available in markets. These juice as shown in the above figure were thought to be a replacement of sugar, as it helped in controlling blood sugar level. In the field of ayurvedic medication the usage of jamun juices in place of sugar for diabetes patients is still in use. Now a days the main product extracted from syzygium is been jamun pulp, jamun vinegar jaumun powder etc are used for many other purposes apart from reducing blood ugar level. The vinegar derived from jamun is also a cure for many problems. The extracted vinegar can be used up in cases like swelling of liver and spleen.[6]. It is found that this vinegar is also helpful in decreasing the migrane pain up to some extent. Th e other important product derived from jamun is the seed powder. Source; The powder which is been extracted from the seed are especially designed for diabetes cure which is often prescribed to diabetes patient. Very often people suffer from urine problems or kidney infection, these jamun extract in the form of powder or the pulp is prove to be effective in much cases. As it was earlier discussed that jamun comprises of astringent property which help in passage of urine easily. Hence it was seen that it help in solving the problem related to utrine infection. Sometime this powder is extracted from the other parts of the plant and hence consists of the properties like anti-oxidant majorly. In other words each and every part of jamun is enriched with medicinal value and holds up a very bright future prospect. SYZYGIUM CUMINI EFFECTIVE TOOL AGAINST DAIBETES Diabetes is one of the common and famous disease which arises due to many factors. It can be said that diabetes is a condition in which there is a rise in blood sugar level and the person starts to suffer from various symptoms such as increase in thirst, more urination etc. long term untreated diabetes may cause severe damage and problems to the body which may include the damage to the heart, kidney and eyes. Since early time when not much was known in the field of advanced medicine from that onward time diabetes has started spreading its arm around the world and no sooner it became famous worldwide. Diabetes is characterized in two types a) TYPE 1 which is stated as Diabetes mellitus and TYPE 2 which is diabetes insipidus. In an estimation given, it was found that till 2013, 382 million people were reported to be suffering from diabetes out of which 90% were reported to having Type 1 diabetes. Hence the cases of diabetes are increasing at an alarming rate in worldwide. Now in recent time when new discoveries are been arising in every field including DRUGS AND MEDICINE then there is the development of new kind of medicine which are been used as medicine for diabetes. But this is about today what about two or three decade ago when no accurate and exact cure of diabetes was been found. In early time Ayruvedic medicine were the only treatment which was been used up in curing any certain kind of disease. The people of that time also believed that the extract derived from the herbs and shrub can be helpful in curing diseases. As no perfect cure was known at that time hence the usage of the product derived from Syzygium cumini were used for the treatment of blood sugar blood level. After doing many research, it was found that Syzygium cumini or Jamun was proved as an adjuvant therapy in case of treatment of Diabetes Type 2. Apart from its seed which is a great source of anthocyanin and help in controlling the diabetes similarly the fruity purple pulp of this plant is also of great importance as it also anthocyanin rich. The various drug and medicinal research organization are been doing many research in order to determine the rate at which the seeds and pulp are helpful in controlling blood sugar. Studies have shown that the seeds of Syzygium cumini are rich in ellagitannins, a compound whose composition is of hexa hydroxyl diphenoyl glucose which help in reducing the content of sugar level hence help in decreasing the blood sugar level. Another important part of the Syzygium cumini plant is its fruits which also shows the anti-diabetic property. The fruits are a good source of chemical like glucosides, jambolin and ellagic acid which help in reducing the conversion of starch into glucose thus help in controlling the blood sugar level. Hence Syzygium cumini comprises of many essential compounds which help in curing diabetes. Not only in controlling blood sugar level Syzygium cumini or jamun also possess many other medicinal values. OTHER MEDICINAL VALUE OF SYZYGIUM CUMINI Up till now Syzygium cumini studied for its anti- diabetic property. But many research paper also state that apart from its anti-diabetic property, Syzygium cumini is a ocean of many other features or characteristics in the field of medicine. In India, Syzygium cumini commonly known as Jambolan is well recognized as a folk medicine as well as in pharmaceutical trade. If it is been said in medicinal value then the fruits and bark of this plant are said to be having diuretic, astringent and stomachic properties. Along with this in comparison to any other seasonal fruit Syzygium cumini comprises of a high level of anti-oxidant property. This anti –oxidant feature consist of constituents such as anthocyanin, falvonoids, tannin etc. These constituent are responsible for causing the anti-oxidant properties. In the market product such as in toothpaste etc which are used in household sometime contain jamun extract as it is rich in anti-oxidant property. Syzygium cumini plant is comprises of other health benefits too, out of which one is that it help in reducing the risk of degenerative diseases.[6] The degenerative diseases is diseases in which structure or function of the tissue or organ which is been affected deteriorate increasingly examples can be Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc. can also be cured up by using Syzygium plant. The fruit pulp of this plant which contains main four anti-oxidant constituents which include falvonoids , phenolic, vitamins and cartenoids. These all anti-oxidant help in reducing the oxidative stress and also help in inhibition of macromolecular oxidation which helps in reducing the risk of degenerative diseases. Apart from the curing these diseases, there are many other diseases and problems which can be cured by using the extract of Syzygium cumini . Some of the important and characterized feature of treatment of diseases with Syzygium cumini are: Syzygium cumini possess antineoplastic. Antineoplastic is property of acting to prevent, inhibit or stop the development of a neoplasm which is also known as a tumor. Extract from Syzygium cumini act as an antineoplastic agent, which can be helpful in treatment of disease such as colon cancer[7]. The fruits and bark extract of Syzygium cumini or Jamun have the Radioprotective and chemoprotective effect which help in treatment of cancer. The plant also contains flavonoids and gallic acid which help in the reduction of formation of tumor or reducing the carcinogenic effect. Hence apart from the treatment of diabetes, Syzygium cumini is a core of many health benefits. Thus it was found by the researchers that the Syzygium cumini or jamun help in curing up many diseases. SCOPE IN FUTURE IN FIELD OF TREATMENT As in the field of medicine new discovery always arises. By going through all the research work which is been done up till now regarding the role which Syzygium cumini plant species is playing in the field of medicine one thing is clear that this plant possess many characteristic property which could be used by in the medication and will also help in the improvement in the field of medicines. The major effect of this plant is on the treatment of diabetes. If the future scope is to be discussed then it must be seen that Syzygium cumini or Jamun holds up many advantages in the way of treatment of diabetes. Firstly as jamun is a inexpensive summer growing species it can be grown anywhere. Hence it is going to be a cheaper way of treatment. Not only this it is one of the natural remedy which prove to be quite effective and non-toxic or harmless as it doesn’t contain any harmful constituent. Easily available. Can be use in the day to day meal. Hence it is to be noted that Syzygium cumini is of great use. The major Drug and Medicine organization and research center are developing techniques in which they are deriving drugs and medicine from the extract of this plant. Apart from these research and drug development, the ayurvedic medicine are commercially are been generated in market for the uses. Hence it can be said that Syzygium cumini hold all the features which make it a powerful curable of disease. In future where new development is taking a step ahead this would be prove a long term beneficial medication. CONCLUSION Thus the role of Syzygium cumini is well defined and the advantageous of it are also been discussed in this review article. This review article was mainly done in order to get an idea what Syzygium cumini plant is capable off. Its characters, constituents and the role of various chemical present in it. Hence it all in one curable formula of disease.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Japanese Literature Essay
2. Individualism has been seen as a characteristic feature of the modern world. How do we see the issue of individualism being dealt with in the works we have read? Discuss examples of individualism in both modern and pre-modern texts. In the works we have read, the characteristic of individualism has played a strong role in the lives and decisions of three characters in particular. The characters Basho, Chockichi, and Okada all display similar acts of individualism in their own stories as they depart not only from their homes but also the traditions that have helped shape their lives for many years. These characters leave behind the familial and societal values that were vastly present in Japanese tradition. With their decisions to be individuals, they obtain new attitudes and standards that relate to, money, education and security. The new values attitudes are what brought Japan into a modern way of thinking and left old values and traditions behind. Individualism is the belief in the primary importance of the individual and the virtues of self reliance and personal dependence. Basho shows his independence by leaving his home front and traveling north. He does this in order to see new places, visit sites of earlier poets, and to spread his views. For Basho traveling is a way of life, and because he travels alone one could say that Basho is very much an independent individual. Throughout Basho’s Narrow Road it seems as if there is a lack of people he encounters on such a long journey. The reader does not know if this is because Basho chooses to leave out the people he meets from his story or because he truly does not encounter many. In any way, the lack of people in the story puts the spotlight solely on the main character, Basho. With this, Basho rejoices in his individualism by going against traditional Japanese values and the unknown. Basho can be described as a pre-modern individual. His journeys are not for money or to enhance his social status; they are for his own personal benefit in order to see more of Japan and to become inspired by nature and its beautiful surroundings. Traveling for Basho is his life, unlike many traditions of Japan where supporting a family and working are a way of life, he chooses a different path. By this Basho chooses a life that is centered around himself and based on personal dependence and happiness. This makes him an individual in all of the things that he does because he bases his decisions solely on himself. Being an individual Basho puts himself somewhat before his time in terms of Japanese culture. The worries of money and social expectation do not concern him, he is more concerned with being at one with nature and finding inspiration within Japanese surroundings which truly set him apart from his fellow citizens. In The River Sumida, Chokichi plays the role of an individual. He does this in more of a modern context rather than Basho did in Basho’s Narrow Road. Chockichi aspires to be an actor and wants to follow his dreams of doing so. His conflict comes when his mother demands him to go to school in order for him to be an office worker. She does this because she knows the importance of money and that Chokichi having a stable job it will ensure their future. Throughout the story Chokichi strives to be an individual and not let money and the other stresses of society hinder his dreams. Though he hated school, â€Å"? could he really bare it, all this learning? School was not the place to give him happiness he wished for. Learning was quite unrelated happiness-it came to Chokichi for the first time(193),†he knew that he had to follow his mothers orders. Therefore he decided to leave his surroundings and attend school. By this Chokichi had made a decision to be an individual and, instead of following his dreams, he pursued a different career. Chokichi’s act of leaving home and going to school in order to make money for his family he went against the traditional Japanese values. By choosing to go to school he also chose the path of being an individual. Most people would have followed their dreams and done what they wanted with life. Chokichi, in contention with his mothers direction, chose a different path. Though he greatly disliked school he still decided to attend. With this decision Chokichi should be deemed as an individual. He made a decision that not only went against Japanese values but also his own dreams. In the story Wild Geese, Okada plays the role of a strong individual who, throughout the story, follows traditional Japanese values and is a good citizen. With the changing times and changing traditions of Japan Okada is faced with the decision of leaving his love Otama in order to go to Europe and pursue a career translating Chinese medical texts. Though the decision was hard, Okada decided to go to Europe alone and pursue his career. With this decision Okada stepped out of the traditions of Japan and became an individual. He leaves all of his values and knowledge of life at home and embarks on a new journey. This decision truly makes him an individual. It also makes the changes of attitudes and standards of old Japan a reality. In earlier times Okada would not have left his home or his love to pursue a career. His future would have already been planned out for him; he would have followed not only the traditions of his family and their work, but also the early traditions of Japan. Okada’s individualistic attitude and decisions make it clear that he wants to be on his own and follow a rarely traveled road. Okada provides a great example of people changing their values and traditions and following the path of the individual. Throughout the lives of Basho, Chokichi, and Okada it is evident that they have taken upon values of the modern world and become individuals. With this they leave behind a mark of change and a shift in values, attitudes and standards that have been present for century’s among Japanese culture.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Classical and modern day music
Classical and Modern day Music From the 12th century to the 21st century music has been vital to everyday life. Whether the music is coming from the trumpet playing an old time classical or from the beat of a rapper raping his favorite tune or song; the creativity and passion for music starts to flow out of every person who lets It. Music had changed drastically over the years. Three ways music has changed Is by adding Instruments, changing the message, and by changing the purpose.A lot of people have been exposed to music, whether it's classical or everyday modern. The basis of music has changed, since the early days of Just playing one Instrument and singing the thoughts that pop Into the singers head. Music started out with little equipment and has only progressed since. Today, music goes through a process before It's even heard. There Is so much work put Into having a song sound good. Back In the old days, music was played out of enjoyment. It came from the heart. Lassie music Is known to have a did dynamic range and will often speed up and slow down at different times. While modern music often expresses emotion through the singer, there is more of an emphasis and variation that in classical music. From classical to modern music the amount of instruments has increased tremendously. In classical and modern music the message differs in each century. Whether the people know it or not music can affect their mood and influence their behaviors as well. Music had personalities, which can express what people feel.Each song touches someone through ways like caching a life lesson or by touching your heart. Every generation has music that impacts the world by motivating people to do certain things or defines a person's personality. Each had music sums up the generation. Classical music generally gives the message of relaxation and peace. Modern music had many messages depending on the genre. There is a song for every mood. Within each century the message changes throu gh each passing mood. In modern and classical music the purpose for the songs written had varied.Classical music's purpose is generally to entertain an audience and to excite listeners emotionally and intellectually. While some modern music is developed to stimulate in similar ways, it also diverges from classical music. Whether your purpose is to dance and Jump around or to relax in bed, there are endless possibilities. Throughout the years, each music genre has been imperative to oneself. Music is what moves everyone, and without It, life would be meaningless. From and old hymn to a funky lyric; the Intentions have changed but one thing still remains.Music has and will always be a way of life to our culture. Music has transformed by adding Instruments, changing the message, and by altering the purpose. Although music has changed through each passing year; It Is still vital In how we view life today. Music starts to flow out of every person who lets it. Music had changed drasticall y over the years. Three ways music has changed is by adding instruments, changing since the early days of Just playing one instrument and singing the thoughts that pop into the singers head. Music started out with little equipment and has only progressed since.Today, music goes through a process before it's even heard. There is so much work put into having a song sound good. Back in the old days, music was played out of enjoyment. It came from the heart. Classical music is known to have a oneself. Music is what moves everyone, and without it, life would be meaningless. From and old hymn to a funky lyric; the intentions have changed but one thing still transformed by adding instruments, changing the message, and by altering the purpose. Although music has changed through each passing year; it is still vital in
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Why the Sun Looks Yellow When Its Really Not
If you ask a random person to tell you what color the sun is, chances are he will look at you like youre an idiot and tell you the sun is yellow. Would you be surprised to learn the sun is not yellow? Its actually white. If you were to view the sun from the International Space Station or the moon, youd see its true color. Check space photos online. See the true color of the sun? The reason the sun appears yellow during the day from Earth, or orange to red at sunrise and sunset, is because we view our favorite star through the filter of the atmosphere. This is one of the tricky ways in which light and our eyes change the way we perceive colors, as is the case with the so-called impossible colors. The True Color of the Sun If you view sunlight through a prism, you can see the entire range of wavelengths of light. Another example of the visible portion of the solar spectrum is seen in the rainbow. Sunlight isnt a single color of light, but a combination of the emission spectra of all the elements in the star. All of the wavelengths combine to form white light, which is the net color of the sun. The sun emits different amounts of various wavelengths. If you measure them, the peak output in the visible range is actually in the green portion of the spectrum (not yellow). However, visible light isnt the only radiation emitted by the sun. Theres also blackbody radiation. The average of the solar spectrum is a color, which indicates the temperature of the sun and other stars. Our sun averages about 5,800 Kelvin, which appears nearly white. Out of the brightest stars in the sky, Rigel appears blue and has a temperature exceeding 100,000K, while Betelguese has a cooler temperature of 35,00K and appears red. How the Atmosphere Affects Solar Color The atmosphere changes the apparent color of the sun by scattering light. The effect is called Rayleigh scattering. As violet and blue light gets scattered away, the average visible wavelength or color of the sun shifts toward red, but the light isnt entirely lost. The scattering of short wavelengths of light by molecules in the atmosphere is what gives the sky its blue color. When viewed through the thicker layer of atmosphere at sunrise and sunset, the sun appears more orange or red. When viewed through the thinnest layer of air at midday, the sun appears closest to its true color, yet still has a yellow tint. Smoke and smog also scatter light and can make the sun appear more orange or red (less blue). The same effect also makes the moon appear more orange or red when it is close to the horizon, but more yellow or white when it is high in the sky. Why Pictures of the Sun Look Yellow If you view a NASA photo of the sun, or a photo taken from any telescope, youre usually viewing a false color image. Often, the color that is chosen for the image is yellow because its familiar. Sometimes photos taken through green filters are left as-is because the human eye is most sensitive to green light and can readily distinguish detail. If you use a neutral density filter to observe the sun from Earth, either as a protective filter for a telescope or so you can observe a total solar eclipse, the sun will appear yellow because youre reducing the amount of light that reaches your eyes, but not changing the wavelength. Yet, if you used that same filter in space and didnt correct the image to make it prettier, youd see a white sun.
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