Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Couple Plan to Clone a Baby essays
Couple Plan to Clone a Baby essays My article is about one couple, Bill and Kthy, who want to have a baby cloned for them. Bill and Kathy have tried to have a baby for almost ten years. But after all the fertility drugs and artificial insemination there has been no luck so they want to clone their first child. Bill and Kathhy say they know the risks involved in cloning a baby. Bill says that if they were not to give birth to an abnormal child and if complications occurred then they would "about" the process. This already is a very controversial issue and now they are saying that they would have an abortion. When asked about the other ways on getting a child other than cloning, adoption, Bill and Kathy responded by saying "you can adopt a child from oversees, what happens is by the time you get a baby, they've been so messed up in the orphanage where they are that you are taking on a health hazard." My opinion is this is stupid. This couple just wants to be in the center of the spotlight by cloning a child. You can easily adopt a baby without going to another country or without the baby having been in an orphanage. The couple said that the clone would be of Kathy. Well if everything worked out then it would someday look identical to her. When a baby is born he/she has it's own unique look. Babies look like both mother and father and this baby is going to have all the mother's characteristics. This child will grow up out of place being the first clone human and that could destroy her for the rest of her life. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Conjunctive Adverbs
Conjunctive Adverbs Conjunctive Adverbs Conjunctive Adverbs By Maeve Maddox Conjunctions are words that link words, phrases, and clauses and provide a smooth transition between ideas. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Some adverbs can also join or show connections between ideas. When they do this, they are called conjunctive adverbs. Conjunctive adverbs show comparison, contrast, sequence, cause-effect, or other relationships between ideas. The most common conjunctive adverbs are: accordingly also besides consequently conversely finally furthermore hence however indeed instead likewise meanwhile moreover nevertheless next nonetheless otherwise similarly still subsequently then therefore thus Conjunctive adverbs function in three ways. 1. They indicate a connection between two independent clauses in one sentence: The primary meaning of the termÂ á ¸ ¥eá ¸ ¥Ã‚ was million or millions; subsequently, a personification of á ¸ ¤eá ¸ ¥ was adopted as the Egyptian god of infinity. In this explanation of why a particular word was personified the way it was, subsequently joins the ideas and conveys sequence at the same time. The word heh means millions; it follows that the personification derived from heh would be a god of infinity. 2. They link ideas in two or more sentences. Democracy has empowered thousands upon thousands of the â€Å"selfish, ignorant, timid, stubborn, or foolish,†who come from a mix of different nationalities. All hope is not lost, however, since there are â€Å"hundreds who are wise.† In this quotation from a speech by Woodrow Wilson, the however connects and contrasts â€Å"thousands of foolish citizens†in the first sentence with â€Å"hundreds who are wise†in the second sentence. 3. They show relationships between ideas within an independent clause. We are determined to do whatever must be done in the interest of this country and, indeed, in the interest of all to protect the dollar as a convertible currency at its current fixed rate. In this quotation from a speech by John F. Kennedy, indeed connects ideas within the sentence: the idea of doing something on a national level and on an international level as well. Punctuation note: A conjunctive adverb within a sentence is set off by commas. A conjunctive adverb that begins or ends a sentence is set off by one comma: Therefore, let us reconsider this legislation that marginalizes a large proportion of employees. You were late for the fifth time today; you are dismissed, therefore. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar 101 category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your StoryTry to vs. Try andGrammar Review #1: Particles and Phrasal Verbs
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Theory and Knowledge Development in Nursing Article - 1
Theory and Knowledge Development in Nursing - Article Example lf of the previous century, nursing theories have been developed to provide methods of thinking which provide direction in constructive diagnosis and solving problems in working with patients. While patient cases will have similarities, each case is also uniquely different and may require a different process of determining solutions. A patient is inherently individualistic, based on social and economic factors as well as the type of illness involved. What may work for one patient, may not work for another patient, due to differing circumstances of age, eating habits, social structure and economic environment such as working status or for those who are unemployed. Nursing morals and ethics will also come into play when confronted with issues of insurance coverage and what solutions are available as defined by the coverage, if there is any coverage. Consequently, right answers in one case may not be right in another, based on principles which are not always absolute (Nourreddine, 2001, p.3). When evaluating nursing knowledge, nurses will ask themselves what they know, what the extent of that knowledge is, based on how that knowledge is attained through various methods, and whether it is appropriate. Epistemology is the term used for the study in the theory of knowledge which has several basic types. Empiric knowledge is developed through scientific observations, suitable testing and ability to replicate and validate the information. Personal (priori) knowledge is attained from thought processes alone. Intuitive knowledge comes from feelings and hunches that come from unconscious recognition of experiences or patterns as known from previous experiences or by some type of educational process. Somatic knowledge is experience attained from a physical experience which becomes a learned process through conducting physical tasks. Ballet dancers and gymnasts are great examples of those with somatic knowledge. Metaphysical knowledge which is a spiritual precept of knowledge
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) v's Associated of Science in Essay
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) v's Associated of Science in Nursing - Essay Example A four years degree programme popularly known as Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is ideal professional to Associate degree that takes two years. Simultaneous shortage of nurses creates problems to any county’s health care needs. In most case nurses shortage is attributed by slow growth in the number of registered nurses, enrollment rate in nursing schools is slow to meet the demand of the increase in population, inadequate faculties and frustrations nurses go through that make them to leave their professions (Maria, C. 2008)  The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) take four years of studying science and ethics of nursing, it is mainly offered by a university or likewise qualified school. Nevertheless, one is entitled to sit for the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX).This examination council come up with certified examination for two and a half years of additional nursing and liberal arts curriculum before he or she becomes a recognized nurse after graduating from either Associate’s Degree (ADN) or from a four-year nursing program with a BSN, the BSN trains nurses for a certified role away from the coursework in nursing science, research and leadership (Lewallen et al 2003) BSN syllabus is familiar among working nurses. The Bachelor of Science in nursing helps students with no previous understanding in nursing to obtain licenses and offers registered nurses an opportunity to grow careers wise. Core curriculum in BSN entails liberal arts requirements and more advanced topics related to nursing, including education, management and administration. The associate nursing is popular as compared to BSN, but on the other hand the BSN programme gives career resourcefulness and offers a broad familiarity of nursing theory. That is to say a nurse with BSN has numerous alternatives such as performing different specialties related to nursing many
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Personal Responsibility Paper Essay Example for Free
Personal Responsibility Paper Essay Personal responsibility is taking action so that one cant blame anyone but themselves, an education will help support their future because they are taking responsibility for their own actions and if one is responsible in their personal life they will be responsible in their college life. Education Supporting Ones Future Having a college education will definitely help when a person is shopping around in the job market. With the economy being in the state that it currently is in, a person without a college degree can easily be looked over when being compared to the person that does have the college degree. †Over their careers, full-time, full-year workers whose highest degree is a bachelors make 74 percent more, on average, than those whose highest attainment is a high-school diploma, the authors found. When those with more than a bachelors degree are included, the premium for higher education rises to 84 percent†(Supiano, 2011). If one is a college student that is going back after many years of working full time and taking care of a family an area that one may need to focus on for improvement might be time management. One will have to set up and follow an entirely new schedule so they can fit in their new duties as a college student. Setting clear starting and stopping times is a good planning strategy. â€Å"A variation of this technique is called time boxing. Time boxing is one way to overcome resistance to a task, focus your attention, and make a meaningful dent in large projects†(Ellis, 2011). Responsibility: Personal and College Life If one is responsible in their personal life one will be responsible in their college life. â€Å"When applied to education, personal responsibility means that students accept the responsibility to study hard and to learn as much as they can in courses that press against the limits of their capacity†(Haskins 2009). Being responsible is something one has to do in their everyday life whether it is going to work every day or taking care of their family. So if one can manage to be responsible in other aspects of their life one should be able to be a responsible student. Why Education Is Important To Ones Future The most important reason an education will help support ones future is because they are taking responsibility for their own actions. If one wants to better their life, whether it is successfully or just emotionally they are the one taking responsibility and are ultimately in control of how they handle it. Having a learning strategy will help to make your education a success. Everyone learns differently but one strategy that would be helpful to a person working through their education is metacognition: Metacognition usually deals with self-awareness of a student about his/her own capability in a particular learning area. The student evaluates his/her performance and tries to come up with better ways of learning. Self-critique, taking responsibility, personal reflection, individual monitoring, and changing study habits are some examples of metacognitive strategies. (Simsek, Balaban, 2010) The way a student could incorporate this strategy into their upcoming months would be taking responsibility and making sure friends and family know how important getting a college education is to them so they are understanding when times come up that they are not able to be around because they have responsibilities from class that may be more important. Personal reflection is another method a student could incorporate buy looking back and seeing what study methods worked best for them and their schedule. Conclusion By taking that next step to continue with education and work towards getting that college degree one is already helping to support their future. If one has been responsible in their life prior to starting their college education then one should be able to transition into their college duties with little disruption. Incorporating different learning strategies into their life will also assist with this transition to college student. References Ali Simek, Jale Balaban, Contemporary Educational Technology – Learning Strategies of Successful and Unsuccessful University Students; 2010, 1(1), p37 Ellis, D. (2011). Becoming a master student (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, p75 Haskins, R. (2009, July). The Sequence of Personal Responsibility [Article], Retrieved from the Brookings Institute website: http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/2009/07/09-responsibility-haskins Supiano, B. (2011). Whats a Degree Worth? Report Has Answers, by Major. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 57(38), A20.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Nestle :: essays research papers
Nestle (Brief Overview) 1.     Unconventional methodology of extension to other countries in it’s early years. 2.     Nestle made a name for itself with an experiment involving a child who was intolerant to his mother’s milk or any other substitutes. Nestle not only saved the baby’s life but achieved the feat with a formula developed with a formula that included lactose as one of it’s key ingredients. 3.     Several acquisitions along Nestle’s timeline would further accent its touch in its major revolution in the food industry. CASE1 : IMPORTANT FACTS OF THE CASE. 1.     Nestle’s commencement in 1866 by the Swedish pharmacists and further expansion into Europe and subsequently the rest of the world 2.     Nestle’s landmark acquisituions. 3.     Nestle’s first mover strategy. The writer makes a comparison to enterprises during the industrial revolution. These companies had to invest in infrasture that are almost negligible in todays commerce activities, to start off production. Nestle had to engage in activities with a potential high risk such as their milk collection process in china. 4.     It’s broad based globalization that attracted 99% of it’s revenue from outside of it’s home country in a little over a century 5.     The employment of tactics and strategy in a saturated market like Europe in the late nineties. ( I.E. potential to find an emerging market way before it gets prosperous. Responses to income levels) 6.     Nestle focused more on customization instead of the then resounding and domineering globalization. They believed in customizing a product to suit a local niche one market at a time. That way new product failure rate remained minimal and New product Development grew significantly. This process is referred to as local adaptation by the writer. CASE2 : With regards to emerging markets 1.     Nestle has always pioneered in being the first mover into a new market. 2.     Aligned with the vision of its proprietor they configure new products to their best fit assumption and then introduce it to a unsuspecting market. 3.     After having a substantial leverage on the market, subsequent growth in the market would also mean growth for the subsidiary market share of nestle. 4.     Examples of such products experimented with include tofu, noodles and of Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s favorite, condensed milk. 5.     Nestle noticeably pierces the market with staple or basic fodd items before upgrading to more upscale products. CASE 3: What is required for the strategy to work 1.     A centralized organizational goal and focus on new product development accented with the regional taste. 2.     An unbiased commitment to optimum product standards. 3.     Subsequent monitoring and alterations as required 4.     Progress report and full disclosure to stakeholders involved to determine if it is worth continuing.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How Cleanliness Can Influence Life of Kazi Zawad Badruddoza
Whereas the cleanliness is relate well to the aspects in our life. There is some reason why cleanliness is important to our life. Cleanliness influences our health, controlling our mood and then keeps the relationship with our friends. The clothes and the pants which we wear must be clean so that no more germs that can affect allergy like irritation. The food and the drink which we consume must be clean from microbes to prevent risk of illness like stomach ache, diarrhoea and many more.Then, the objects around us it should be clean from dust so we not experience the respiration illness. With kept our cleanliness so that our life must be healthy. Another reason we must watch cleanliness because the cleanliness can controlling our mood. Cleanliness makes us feel fresh and comfortable. A clean room makes us feel freshness because all of the objects are clean and free of dust so that the air is fresh. Its floor is clean so there are no bacteria or microbes and we can do the activities wi thout worried about hygiene problem.Cleanliness can be regarded as personal or environmental. These habits ensure that a person would stay fit and healthy for a long time so you will not be force to use those anti aging treatments or some sort of surgery. These habits help us in developing an ideal and healthy life style which makes our lives even more delightful and joyous. Lesser effort would result in more success if a person has healthy mind and a healthy mind can only exist in a healthyCleanliness is one of the good qualities. It is a part of our civilization. A man of dirty habits is far from civilization. So, with the progress of civilization man cleans himself more and more. He cleans his body. He cleans his mind and heart. He cleans all his action and manners. He cleans his soul. This will lead him to the highest form of civilization. But on the cleanliness of body, depend all other cleanings. Hence, cleanliness is considered so important.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Monopoly as a source of market failure Essay
Abtsract. Environmental problems also occur when one of the participants in an exchange of property rights is able to exercise an inordinate amount of power over the outcome. This can occur, for example, when a product is sold by a single seller, or monopoly. A firm that has no competitors in its industry is called a monopoly. Monopolies are not all evil. Neither are they utterly good. Monopolies are much maligned because their profit incentive leads them to raise prices and lower output in order to squeeze more money out of consumers. As a result, governments typically go out of their way to break up monopolies and replace them with competitive industries that generate lower prices and higher output. Our study examines Arcelor-Mittal: the uncontrolled growth of this steel giant often at the expense of peoples’ health in a rapidly globalizing world has given people all around the world common cause for resistance. We have focused on Arcelor-Mittal Temirtau Kazakhstan which as we think is the best example of monopoly of market failure. Our paper work on â€Å"Monopoly as a source of market failure†explores global steel giant’s environmental and social impacts in 2008-2009 that have emerged from the Environmental&Natural Resource Economics. First, we provide the background information about the theory of natural monopoly as a source of market failure. Then we show the certain case of such monopoly – ArcelorMittal Temirtau Kazakhstan. Our research analysis is divided to two parts: background information and social&environmental impacts of global steel giant’s work in our homeland. Considering the situation and the current conditions of Arcelor-Mittal we then provide following solutions to the company that have to be implemented in order to enable it to overcome and or limit the potential problems in the foresseable future. This topic is very crucial and relevant not just only for our country to be mentioned and finally to be solved but also for the whole world as Arcelor-Mittal is operating worldwide. However it still neither has taken into account the seriousness of the problems that it has induced to the environment nor all of the responsibility. Introduction: The rise of a steel giant. We are all shareholders, maybe not in the company, but 1 / 13 indeed in our environments, and shareholders of corporations such as ArcelorMittal need to be aware of this reality. Company shareholders are often blinded by the glossy reports, company greenwash and figures detailing rising profits. This paper work seeks to create a new awareness amongst ArcelorMittal’s shareholders, and calls on them to act on the evidence presented. Many perceive the rise of Mittal Steel – now ArcelorMittal – from a small mill to a global steel giant as one of the great wonders of the business world. The success of the company has coincided with the exploitation of weaker national laws and political wrangling. In the last three decades Mittal has bought up old, run-down state-owned steel factories in places like Trinidad, Mexico, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, South Africa and Algeria. The cost of Mittal Steel’s success has largely been paid by the communities living and working near the company’s plants. Mittal Steel has a global reputation for prioritising productivity over the environment, communities and fair labour practices in countries where it operates steel mills, such as Romania, Poland, Czech Republic South Africa, Kazakhstan and the United States, in spite of frequent company statements about its attention to and investment in these areas. No longer can they be uninformed shareholders reaping annual profits. They need to accept responsibility for the negative impacts their investments have on peoples’ lives along with accepting the profits they reap on their shares. It is critical to understand that the local injustices presented in the report will not just ‘go away’. They need careful deliberation and shareholder resolutions for ethical investment that calls for improved operations on the ground in order to deliver environmental justice to local people. Economic monopolies have existed throughout much of human history. In ancient and medieval times dire scarcity of resources was common and affected the lives of most human beings. When resources are extremely scarce, little room exists for a multiplicity of producers for many products and services. Monopoly is a well-defined market structure where there is only one seller who controls the entire market supply, as there are no close substitutes for his product and there are no barriers to the entry of rival producers. However in this dynamically changing world there is no such situation where the commodity does not have a substitute. So for a monopoly to be effective there must be no practical substitutes for the product or service sold, and no serious threat of the entry of a competitor into the market. This enables the seller (â€Å"monopolist†) to control the price. The term monopolist is derived from the Greek word â€Å"mono†, meaning â€Å"single†, and â€Å"polist†meaning seller. Thus the monopolist may be defined as the sole seller of a product which has no close substitutes. At the beginning we state the background information about the theory of natural monopoly as a source of market failure. Then we show the certain case of such monopoly – ArcelorMittal Temirtau Kazakhstan. Our research analysis is divided to two parts: background information and social&environmental impacts of global steel giant’s work in our homeland. Considering the situation and the current conditions of Arcelor-Mittal we then provide following solutions to the company that have to be implemented in order to enable it to overcome and or limit the potential problems in the foresseable future. The Theory of Natural Monopoly. Market failure occurs when resources are misallocated, or allocated inefficiently. There are five important sources of market failure, each of which results from the failure of one of the assumptions basic to the perfectly competitive model. Each also points to a potential role for government in the economy. One of the causes of market failure is imperfect competition, particularly monopolies. An imperfectly competitive market is one where the assumption of many buyers and sellers does not hold. These types of market organizations include monopoly, monopsony, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition. The operations of monopoly or natural monopoly often result in misuse of market power and inefficient allocation of resources, which reduce community welfare. For this reason, governments generally regulate monopoly and enforce laws preventing cartels. This type is a major rationale for a comprehensive competition policy. A monopoly is a market with one seller and many buyers. A monopoly may exist because of special 2 / 13 government regulation or because the monopolist is the sole owner of a resource (due to a patent or some other reason). A monopoly has the following characteristics: †¢There is only one producer in the market †¢They sell a single product with no close substitutes †¢Monopolies are price makers. The monopolies demand curve is the market demand curve; therefore the firm can sell the product at a higher price but only if it reduces output. It has control over the price or quantity sold, but not both. †¢There are very strong barriers to entry. This might include: High capital costs; High ‘sunk’ costs. Sunk costs are those which cannot be recovered if the firm goes out of business, such as advertising costs – the greater the sunk costs the greater the barrier. Technological knowledge, when one firm acquires the technological know-how that other firms do not have Patents and copyrights, protecting other firms from copying their product; Government regulations and restrictions; The monopoly can execute predatory pricing which involves dropping price very low in a ‘demonstration’ of power and to put pressure on existing or potential rivals and/or limit pricing. Limit pricing is a specific type of predatory pricing which involves a firm setting a price just below the average cost of new entrants – if new entrants match this price they will make a loss! A natural monopoly. A natural monopoly is a firm that can supply a good or service to an entire market at a lower price than if there were two or more firms. It has some similarities to a monopolist. It is an imperfect competitor, the sole producer in a market, and able to retain this position because of barriers to entry, such as government regulation, technological leadership or large start-up capital, It is able to restrict output in order to increase price and earn supernormal profits. However, a natural monopoly has a downward-sloping average cost curve (AC) over the relevant range of outputs, which results from economies of scale. Economies of scale develop in the long run, which is a period of time when all inputs are variable and the constraints imposed by diminishing returns no longer apply. The graph below shows the long run as being made up of a series of short-run periods, shown as a series of short-run AC en shown together illustrate economies of scale. Figure 1. Economies of scale. Source Senior Economics Workbook: NCEA Level 3. Geoff Evans, Ben Cahill, John Rogers. Pearson Education New Zealand Limited, 2005. Chapter 10. Page 93. A â€Å"natural monopoly†because it is economically efficient for there to only be one supplier. The following diagram can help to illustrate just why: Figure 2. A natural monopoly. Source Senior Economics Workbook: NCEA Level 3. Geoff Evans, Ben Cahill, John Rogers. Pearson Education New Zealand Limited, 2005. Chapter 10. Page 109. Given the downward sloping supply curve, and ignoring the demand curve for a minute, having an equilibrium at point E1, which gives us price P1. We could assume that this is a monopoly equilibrium, where Q1 represents the entire size of the market – it represents everybody who wants to buy the good. But in the case of a duopoly market, where there are two suppliers, we could assume that each seller in the market has exactly half of the market. This corresponds to the equilibrium E2 on the above diagram, which gives us quantity Q2 and price P2. We can assume the Q2 = 0. 5 x Q1, and that each of the two firms supplies Q2 of the good in question. And here a major problem arises. If we have one firm only, the marginal cost of supply is P1, which is lower than the duopoly price, P2. This means that having two firms in a market ends up with the firms having to charge a higher price than if only one firm existed. In this case, it is efficient, or â€Å"natural†, for there to only be one firm in 3 / 13 the market. This is why declining-marginal-cost industries are called natural monopolies. Because natural monopolies tend to be utilities, which are services like gas, electricity, water and telephones, which the public generally holds to be necessities of life, we are not comfortable allowing these firms to charge monopoly prices (i. e. , the pricing where MR = MC). Because these are staples or necessities, the demand curve for these goods is very inelastic – it is very steep. This means that the monopolist price would be much higher than the free-market price, and a large volume of people would be denied basic necessities of life. Instead, we use the power of government to regulate prices in these markets. The normal avenue for regulation of natural monopolies is the public utilities commission. These exist at the state-level in the United States, and at the national level in many other countries. Utilities commissions are given the task of making sure that utility companies make enough money to stay in business, but not enough to enjoy monopoly profits. They make sure that everybody is served, and served well, in theory. Since utilities are monopolies that are not subject to market forces and competition, they have little pressure to be responsive to market forces, which means that they do not have to treat their customers well, because their customers do not have the ability to switch to a different supplier. The costs of monopoly: †¢Less choice. Clearly, consumers have less choice if supply is controlled by a monopolist – for example, the Post Office used to be monopoly supplier of letter collection and delivery services across the UK and consumers had no alternative letter collection and delivery service. †¢High prices. Monopolies can exploit their position and charge high prices, because consumers have no alternative. This is especially problematic if the product is a basic necessity, like water. †¢Restricted output Monopolists can also restrict output onto the market to exploit its dominant position over a period of time, or to drive up price. †¢Less consumer surplus A rise in price or lower output would lead to a loss of consumer surplus. Consumer surplus is the extra net private benefit derived by consumers when the price they pay is less than what they would be prepared to pay. Over time monopolist can gain power over the consumer, which results in an erosion of consumer sovereignty. †¢Asymmetric information There is asymmetric information – the monopolist may know more than the consumer and can exploit this knowledge to its own advantage. †¢Productive inefficiency Monopolies may be productively inefficient because there are no direct competitors a monopolist has no incentive to reduce average costs to a minimum, with the result that they are likely to be productively inefficient. †¢Allocative inefficiency Monopolies may also be allocatively inefficient – it is not necessary for the monopolist to set price equal to the marginal cost of supply. In competitive markets firms are forced to ‘take’ their price from the industry itself, but a monopolist can set (make) their own price. Consumers cannot compare prices for a monopolist as there are no other close suppliers. This means that price can be set well above marginal cost. †¢Net welfare loss Even accounting for the extra profits derived by a monopolist, which can be put back into the economy when profits are distributed to shareholders, there is a net loss of welfare to the community. Welfare loss is the loss of community benefit, in terms of consumer and producer surplus, that occurs when a market is supplied by a monopolist rather than a large number of competitive firms. 4 / 13. †¢Monopoly welfare loss A ‘net welfare loss’ refers any welfare gains less any welfare loses as a result of an economic transaction or a government intervention. Using ‘welfare analysis’ allows the economist to evaluate the impact of a monopoly. †¢Less employment Monopolists may employ fewer people than in more competitive markets. Employment is largely determined by output – the more output a firm produces the more labour it will require. As output is lower for a monopolist it can also be assumed that employment will also be lower. The benefits of monopoly:Monopolies can provide certain benefits, including: †¢Exploit economies of scale As we have already mentioned above, the natural monopoly exploits economies of large scale. This means that it can produce at low cost and pass these savings on to the consumer. However, there would be little incentive to do this and the savings made might be used to increase profits or raise barriers to entry for future rivals. †¢Dynamic efficiency Monopolists can also be dynamically efficient – once protected from competition monopolies may undertake product or process innovation to derive higher profits, and in so doing become dynamically efficient. It can be argued that only firms with monopoly power will be in the position to be able to innovate effectively. Because of barriers to entry, a monopolist can protect its inventions and innovations from theft or copying. †¢Avoidance of duplication of infrastructure The avoidance of wasteful duplication of scarce resources – if the monopolist is a ‘natural monopoly’ it can be argued that competitive supply would be wasteful. Natural monopolies include gas, rail and electricity supply. A natural monopoly occurs when all or most of the available economies of scale have been derived by one firm – this prevents other firms from entering the market. But having more than one firm will mean a wasteful duplication of scarce resources. †¢Revenue Monopolists can also generate export revenue for a national economy. A single firm may gain from economies of scale in its own domestic economy and develop a cost advantage which it can exploit and sell relatively cheaply abroad. Remedies for monopoly:If a monopolist can gain a foothold in a market it becomes very difficult for new firms to enter, with the result that the price mechanism is restricted from doing its job. Resources cannot be allocated to where they are most needed because the monopolist can erect barriers to other firms. These barriers will not ‘naturally’ come down. The failure of markets to ‘self regulate’ is at the heart of monopoly as a ‘market failure. There are a number of ways in which the negative effects of monopoly power can be reduced: Regulation of firms who abuse their monopoly power. This could be achieved in a number of ways, including: †¢Price controls Setting price controls. For example, the current UK competition regulator, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), has developed a system of price ‘capping’ for the previously state owned natural monopolies like gas and water. This price capping involves tying prices to just below the current general inflation rate. The formula, RPI – X, is used, where the RPI (the Retail Price Index) is the chosen index of inflation and ‘X’ is a level of price reduction agreed between the regulator and the firm, based on expected efficiency gains. †¢Prohibiting mergers Prohibiting mergers – in the UK the Competition Commission can prohibit mergers between firms that create a combined market share of 25% or more if it believes that the merger would be against the ‘public interest’. In making their judgement, the ‘public interest’ takes into account the effect of the merger on jobs, prices and the level of competition. †¢Breaking up the monopoly Breaking up the monopoly into several smaller firms. For example regulators in the EU are currently 5 / 13 investigating potential abuse of market dominance by Microsoft, which is under threat of being broken up into two companies – one for its operating systems and the other for software. †¢NationalisationBringing the monopoly under public control – which is referred to as ‘nationalisation’. The ultimate remedy for an abusive monopoly is for the State to take a controlling interest in the firm by acquiring over 50% of its shares, or to take it over completely. The monopolist can still be run along commercial lines, but be made to operate as though the market were competitive. †¢Deregulation In those cases where a monopolist is already State controlled, such as the Post Office, it may be necessary to engage in deregulation to enable it to become more efficient. Deregulation could be used to bring down barriers to entry and open up a previously state controlled industry to competition, as has happened with the British Telecom and British Rail monopolies. This may help encourage new entrants into a market. Do Monopolies Undermine The Environment? As monopoly and natural monopoly tend to have a perpetual ownership of a scarce resource, they do not only ‘tie-up’ the existing scarce resources making it difficult for new entrants to exploit these resources, but also they often cause some environmental problems. Furthermore for many skeptics of the environmental benefits of market economies it seems that the fear of monopoly control over natural resources is one of their greatest concerns as well. The reality is actually much more complicated, because of the following: 1. Most natural resource industries are not controlled by monopolies, and are in fact characterized by a high degree of competitiveness. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing industries are almost everywhere characterized by markets with hundreds or thousands of players, some of them big but with plenty of smaller players as well. While limited degrees of market power exist in some of these industries in some areas, on the whole they are actually some of the more competitive industries in the world. Even energy and mineral industries are fairly competitive and where they are not they are characterized by oligopoly structures, almost never a monopoly. 2. Monopolies restrict output and raise the price of goods above their marginal costs (which leads to a loss of social welfare), which is why economists (mostly) consider them bad. But from an environmental perspective, they may actually be quite good since they lead to lower resource use and higher prices. For example, if oil was a completely competitive market the price would be lower and we would burn even more of it than if OPEC kept the price artificially high! The problem the environmentalist faces is not that monopolies keep prices high and limit output (that’s called conservation), but that this has a regressive effect and hurts the poor. (By the way, this is one of the biggest issues that confront environmentalists more generally, who for the most part would like to see resource prices rise. ). 3. As to examples where monopolies restrict R&D or limit technological innovation, there certainly are examples of this, but in general, the profit motive is sufficient to overcome this. Bottom line: the cheap prices of resources are the greatest threat to advances in efficiency and monopolies lead us in the opposite direction. 4. There are examples of what economists call â€Å"natural monopolies†where fixed costs are so high that only one company can be profitable providing a given service in a given region; examples are water, telecommunications, and electricity (imagine if every provider of water had to build their own pipe system? ). In cases where natural monopolies arise it is much more efficient for society to grant the company limited monopoly rights and regulate them. These are often called public utilities and abound in America (PG&E is my public utility in CA). The problem with public utilities is that often the regulators force them to charge very low prices that favor consumers but again lead to increased uses of resource; that is, if the monopolies were unregulated we would see lower resource use. 5. Let us not forget that the biggest monopolies in the history of humanity are state-owned. The monopolies in the former Soviet Union were certainly the biggest ever (and the worst environmental 6 / 13 offenders the world has ever known), and even today state-run monopolies for all sorts of resources (primarily oil, gas, and telecommunications) abound. Almost without fail, they are characterized by high prices, poor service, and abysmal environmental records. 6. Since competitive markets are one of the foundations of a prosperous economy, market-based societies have developed various forms of anti-trust legislation to ensure relatively high degrees of competitive in most markets. Laws regulating market share, anti-competitive pricing, etc. are commonplace in all of the advanced market systems, and have a relatively good record of success. Probably the greatest success has been in the telecommunications industry where deregulation has led to real price declines of almost 95% in telecommunications fees over the past 25 years. (Examples of the failure of states to break up monopolies abound in Latin America, particularly in telecom. I have written about how the Telmex in Mexico is one of the most egregious examples of robbing from the poor to give to the rich and how it is a great impediment to Mexico’s economic development. What the Mexiccam telecommunications industry desperately needs is more market-based competition to break Telmex’s grip, but unfortunately, due to immense corruption the average Mexican must continue to spend large shares of their meager earnings on phone calls. ) 7. Probably the biggest pro-competition policy is free trade and globalization. The greatest threats to regional and national monopolies come from trade from abroad and the innovation that trade accelerates. Contrary to popular wisdom, globalization does not increase the power of corporations over individuals, but just the reverse; people can shift their business to the other companies more easily as their choices increase. If you doubt this, just look at how lists of the â€Å"Fortune 500†companies continually shift every few years, and even more so in this more globalized age. In summary, while economists have long ago identified the pros and cons of monopolies, how they interact with environmental outcomes is not entirely straight-forward. What is obvious is that in non market-based economies we witness the worst forms of monopoly abuse and the resulting environmental degradation. ArcelorMittal: Going nowhere slowly. Background. ArcelorMittal Temirtau Kazakhstan(formerly Mittal Steel Temirtau, Ispat Karmet and Karaganda Metallurgical Plant). Arcelor Mittal Temirtau (AMT), founded in 1950, is one of the largest integrated steel plants in the world. The steel plant, along with all its infrastructure facilities, captive coal, iron ore and power plant, was acquired by ArcelorMittal – then Ispat – from the Kazakhstan government in 1995. Located in the city of Temirtau, population 170 000, in the Karaganda Region of Central Kazakhstan, it covers about 5 000 hectares and has a steel-making capacity of about 5. 5 million tonnes per annum. AMT operates eight coal mines in the region, producing a total of 12 202 million tonnes of coal in 2007. In the same year AMT’s output of rolled steel was 3. 581 million tonnes. The plant exports about 90 percent of its output, mostly to Russia, Iran and China. The towns of Temirtau and Karaganda as well as the surrounding area (about 1 million people) indirectly depend on the plant, which used to account for nearly 10 percent of Kazakhstan’s GDP . As of 2006 it employed 55 000 people and generated 4 percent of the country’s GDP. Figure 3. ArcelorMittal Temirtau exports the majority of its steel output but local residents pay the costs. Photo by CEE Bankwatch Network. Table 1. Mittal’s plant in Temirtau has received several direct and indirect loans from IFIs in the last 12 years: Year1997 Financial InstitutionEBRD PurposeTo restore productive capacity and improve efficiency in the steel mill and coal mines; develop value-added, higher quality steel, and to implement three environmental action plans that would improve environmental and health & safety impacts and bring the company into compliance with World Bank environmental guidelines. AmountUSD 54 million 7 / 13 RecipientAMT (former Ispat Karmet Steel Works) Year1997 Financial InstitutionIFC. PurposeTo restore productive capacity and improve efficiency in the steel mill and coal mines; develop value-added, higher quality steel, and to implement three environmental action plans that would improve environmental and health & safety impacts and bring the company into compliance with World Bank environmental guidelines. AmountUSD 132. 5 million RecipientAMT (former Ispat Karmet Steel Works) Year1999 Financial InstitutionIFC PurposeTo support the development of small and medium enterprises directly or indirectly associated with AMT and/or to assist workers formerly employed by AMT and/or to provide for the growth of the private sector in the Karaganda region. AmountUSD. 2. 5 million RecipientIndirect financial help to AMT through Kazkommertsbank. Year2001 Financial InstitutionIFC PurposeTo stimulate the relationship between the large corporate sector (in this case AMT) and the private SME sector. AmountUSD 3. 4 million equity investments. RecipientAMT. Year2004 Financial InstitutionIFC corporate loanPurposeTo enable LNM to improve the environmental performance of its present and future subsidiaries and bring them up to World Bank Group and/or European Union standards; – to assist LNM in creating and maintaining an environmental and worker health and safety system on a corporate wide level, to bring all its current and future operations in compliance with WB and/or EU standards;- to rehabilitate, dbottleneck and provide working capital and cash support to LNM’s present and future subsidiaries.  Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Time Expressions in Spanish
Time Expressions in Spanish Here are some miscellaneous words and expressions of time, with an example of each used in a sentence: al cabo de (after) - Al cabo de una semana, si el paciente no ha respondido al tratamiento, la dosis puede ajustarse. After a week, if the patient hasnt responded to the treatment, the dose can be adjusted.  ¿A cuntos estamos?  ¿A cuntos estamos hoy? (What day is it?) cada dà a (each day, every day) - Cada dà a te quiero ms. I love you more each day. el fin de semana (weekend) - Disfrute de un fin de semana romntico en nuestro hotel. Enjoy a romantic weekend in our hotel. de hoy en ocho dà as (a week from today) - De hoy en ocho dà as nos parecer que fue todo un mal sueà ±o. A week from now it will seem to us like it was all a bad dream. pasado/a (last) - La semana pasada fuimos a la ciudad. Last week we went to the city. prà ³ximo/a (next) - La vacunacià ³n masiva comenzar la semana prà ³xima.The mass vaccination will begin next week. (Prà ³xima can also be placed before the time designation.)  ¿Quà © fecha es hoy? (What day is it today?) que viene (next) - El DVD estar disponible la semana que viene. The DVD will be available next week. quince dà as (two weeks, fortnight) - Cada quince dà as se extingue una de las 6.700 lenguas del mundo. Every two weeks one of the worlds 6,700 languages goes extinct. un rato (a while) - Y despuà ©s saltaba a la piscina y nadaba un rato. And afterward I would jump in the pool and swim for a while. todos los dà as (every day) - Jugar todos los dà as con los hijos es fundamental para su desarollo. Playing every day with your children is essential for their development.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
New SAT Format What It Means for You
New SAT Format What It Means for You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT has had a complete makeover. Just a quick glance will show you that it barely resembles its previous self. Manystudents, luckily, will find its transformation quite attractive. This guide will help you catch up on the changes with a comprehensive overview of the new SAT format. Read on to learn about the test’s new designand scoring, followed by some tips on what these changes mean for test-takers. To begin, let’s go over the overall structure of the SAT. What’s the Structure of the New SAT? On a broad strokes level, the new SAT looks very different from its predecessor. The old SAT had tensections of various lengths. They were 10, 20, or 25 minutes in length, and, for the most part, the order of subjects was completely random. Among these ten sections was an unidentified experimental section, which, though unscored, could still mess with test-takers’ minds with its strange question types. For most test-takers, the changes to the SAT are probably very welcome. For one thing, the new SAT format 2016 is much more predictable. Now you can know exactly what order the subjects come in, as well as the amount of time and number of questions you’ll get. Furthermore, you won’t have to deal with ten sections, but instead will get just four, or five if you choose to take the now optional essay.That pesky experimental section, by the way, has been eliminated. This chart shows the structure of the new SAT. Since we now know section length and number of questions, we can also estimate approximately how much timeyou get per question. Order Section Time in Minutes # of Questions Time per question 1 Reading 65 52 75 seconds 2 Writing and Language 35 44 48 seconds 3 Math No Calculator 25 20 75 seconds 4 Math Calculator 55 38 77 seconds 5 Essay (optional) 50 1 Total: 3 hours, 50 minutes (3 hours without essay) 154 (+1 essay prompt) As you can see, the new SAT presents each topic in one big chunk of time, rather than dividing them into several shorter sections. The only exception is Math, which is divided for the first time into a â€Å"calculator permitted†and a â€Å"calculator prohibited†section. The Essay section now comes at the end of the SAT, and the decision to take it is left up to the student. When you take the SAT, you’ll get a 5-minute break after about every hour of testing. That means you’ll get a break after the Reading section and a second one after the Math No Calculator. If you’re taking the Essay section, you’ll also get a break before starting. In addition to giving the test in its entiretya more predictable structure, College Board has also become more transparent about what you’ll encounter on each individual section of the SAT. Let’s take a closer look at each section, starting with the one that always comes first: Reading. "Don't like the weather in New England? Just wait five minutes!" Unlike the fickle weather that inspired this cheesy dad joke, the new SAT format is very predictable. Reading Section Structure SAT Reading is the longest section of the new SAT, clocking in at 65 minutes. All Reading questions are passage-based. You’ll answer 10 to 12 questions on each of five passages, for a total of 52 questions. As you saw in the chart above, that leaves you with about 1 minute and 15 seconds per question. All of the questions are multiple choice and feature four answer choices: A, B, C, and D. The source and subject matter of each passage is predetermined, a useful piece of information for your test prep. You’ll get one passage from US or world literature, two dealing with history and social studies, and two related to science. One or more of these passages will be accompanied by a graphic, such as a table or graph. In fact, you'll encounter tables and graphs in all four sections of the SAT. Writing and Language Section Structure The SAT Writing and Language section is about half as long as Reading at 35 minutes. It’s technically called Writing and Language, but you’ll probably hear it shortened to Writing. All of its questions are also passage-based. You’ll get 11 questions for each of four passages, for a total of 44 questions on the Writing section. That leaves you with about 47 to 48 seconds to answer each question. All of the Writing questions are multiple choice with four answer choices, A, B, C, and D. Since some of the questions ask you about changing a word or sentence, many will feature an answer choice (typically choice A) that reads, â€Å"No change.†Going along with the SAT’s greater predictability, the subject matter of the Writing passages is predetermined. The passages deal with Careers, Social Studies, Humanities, and Science. Unlike the Reading section, you won’t encounter any prose or selections from literature; all of the Writing passages will be argument-based, explanatory, or nonfiction narrative. As mentioned above, you'llfind data interpretation questions on graphs and tables throughout the SAT, and the Writing section is no exception. One or more of the passages will accompany a graphic, and you might be asked whether the passage and graphicare in sync with each other. The designers of the new SAT went a little graph crazy; you'll find graphics in every section of the test. Math No Calculator Section Structure A Math section during which you’re not allowed to use a calculator is completely new on the SAT. This 25-minute section asks you 20 questions, and you’re not allowed to use a calculator on any of them. 15 of these questions are multiple choice, and the remaining five are â€Å"grid-ins,†officially known as student-produced responses. Time #of Multiple Choice #of Grid-ins 25 minutes 15 (#1-15) 5 (#16-20) The Math No Calculator section asks questions that fall into three skills areas, Heart of Algebra, Passport to Advanced Math, and Additional Topics. The main focus, as you can see in the chart below, falls on Heart of Algebra and Passport to Advanced Math. Content Categories #of Questions Percent of Test Heart of Algebra 8 40% Passport to Advanced Math 9 45% Additional Topics 3 15% Source: College Board You won’t find any Problem Solving and Data Analysis questions here. These question types are featured much more heavily on the Math with Calculator section. Math With Calculator Section Structure You can use a calculator throughout this 55-minute section, though you don’t necessarily need to. College Board says it wants to test your calculator fluency, or your ability to determine when a calculator’s a useful tool and when it would just slow you down. The Math with Calculator is the longer of the two math sections and asks 38 questions. This leaves you with about 1 minute and 17 seconds per question. The Math with Calculator section asks 30 multiple choice questions and eightgrid-ins. One of the grid-ins will be an Extended Thinking question, which features a word problem or graphic and asks two or more questions about it. Outside of this Extended Thinking question, the math questions won’t relate to one another. Aswith the Math No Calculator section, the grid-ins will come at the end: Time #of Multiple Choice #of Grid-ins 55 minutes 30 (#1-30) 8 (#31-38) The Math with Calculator section tests from the same skill areas as the Math No Calculator - Heart of Algebra, Passport to Advanced Math, and Additional topics - but it alsotests Problem Solving and Data Analysis. In fact, almost half of the Math with Calculator questions fall into this skill area, as you can see in the chart below . Content Categories # of Questions Percent of Test Heart of Algebra 11 29% Passport to Advanced Math 7 18% Problem Solving and Data Analysis 17 45% Additional Topics 3 8% Source: College Board This section may be your last on the SAT, meaning you’ll pass in your materials and leave the testing center. If you elect to take the essay, then you’ll get a 5-minute break and then move onto the Essay section. Essay Section Structure The 50-minute Essay section tasks you with writing an essay based on a 650 to 750-word passage. You’ll be prompted to write a thesis-driven essay in which you analyze the passage’s argument. This assignment is entirely different from the one on the old SAT, where you were asked to present an opinion and support it with examples from pretty much anywhere, like your personal experience or favorite books. On the new SAT Essay section, your prompt will typically give you a succinct summary of the passage’s central argument. Then you’ll be asked to analyze how the author builds his/her argument. Here’s one example of an essay prompt from College Board: Write an essay in which you explain how Paul Bogard builds an argument to persuade his audience that natural darkness should be preserved. In your essay, analyze how Bogard uses one or more of the features in the directions that precede the passage (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Bogard’s claims, but rather explain how Bogard builds an argument to persuade his audience.* *Emphasis mine. As you see in this example, you’ll be reminded that your essay should not discuss whether or not you agree with the author’s claims. Instead, you should present an objective breakdown of the techniques the author uses to persuade his/her readers. If you’ve made it this far, you now have an understanding of the SAT’s structure, both on the big picture level and in each individual section. There’s another important feature to learn to understand the new SAT format - how the SAT is scored. Everyone can sing along to the beautiful melody of "rights-only" scoring. How Is the New SAT Scored? The new SAT is scored on a scale from 400 to 1600. You’ll get two section scores, one for Math and one for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW), which is essentially your Reading and Writing sections combined. The scale for both Math and EBRW ranges from 200 to 800. If you choose to take the essay, your essay score won’t factor into your total scores. Your essay will be scored by two readers. You’ll get three scores between 2 and 8 for three areas: Reading, Analysis, and Writing. A perfect essay score would be an 8|8|8. In addition to your section and total scores, you’ll also get test scores that show how you performed on each of the four sections individually. Plus, cross-test scores and subscores will break down certain skills, showing how you did on questions that test your Analysis in Science, Command of Evidence, and Words in Context skills, to give a few examples. These subscores can serve as valuable feedback for your test prep, but the most important scores for college are your section scores and how they combine to form a total score out of 1600. One last note about SAT scoring - the process now uses â€Å"rights-only†scoring. In other words, you won’t get any point deductions for wrong answers. You’ll just get one point for every correct answer, and no points for wrong or blank answers. Now that you’re familiar with the format of the new SAT, let’s consider what the main structural updatesmean for students. How can you evolve to meet the challenges of a new SAT world? How to Adapt to the New SAT Format: 4 Tips Simply familiarizing yourself with the new format is one important step in your SAT preparation. If you know the test inside and out, then you’ll know exactly what to expect on test day and eliminate any unwelcome surprises. Let’s look at the new features on theSAT this year and how you can best prepare for them. #1: Learn to Manage Your Time Over Four Long Sections Four sections is a big decrease from ten, which is what students got on the old SAT. In previous years, students had to shift their thinking quickly from one subject to another and back again. Now, students taking the new SAT are tasked with maintaining focus on one subject for a longer period of time. On the Reading section, for example, you’ll be reading and delving into five passages in a row. On Math, you’ll be answering questions for almost an hour, even more if you consider the "no calculator" section together with the "calculator permitted" section. Working quickly and efficiently under narrow time constraints is still an essential skill, but now you also have to endure focus for longer periods of time. You’ll also need to sharpen your time management skills, figuring out how to divide your time so you don’t, for example, spend an hour on one or two Reading passages and run out of time on the remaining ones. Finally, you should work on mental strategies for recovering from a particularly challenging question or passage. You don’t want to let one hurdle trip you up for the rest of the section. Instead, you’ll have to know when to move on because your time will be better spent on otherquestions. #2: Determine Whether You Need the Essay Since the new essay is optional, you have some more research to do before you register for the SAT besides your optimal test date. You should figure out whether or not you need to take the essay section for your prospective colleges. If you are taking the essay, then you’ll have to prepare for this section separately from the other sections. First, you should familiarize yourself with the rubric that graders will use to give you their three scores for reading, analysis, and writing. Then you should focus on honing your ability to analyze an argument and write an organized, well-supported essay under time constraints. This section calls on your writing skills, but it also tests your reading comprehension and analysis. With the elimination of the experimental section, you're no longer a College Board guinea pig. #3: Forget About the Experimental Section The new SAT no longer features an extra unscored section to test out new material. Since this section was never identified, its absence shouldn’t affect your test-taking experience very much. Fortunately, you won’t have to deal with unusual format or question types you haven’t prepared for, nor will you have to add an extra section to your practice tests to account for extra time. Instead, you can feel confident that your official SAT practice tests will resemble the SAT you’ll get on test day. The structure is much more predictable, so you should go into test day knowing exactly what to expect. #4: Use the New Scoring System to Your Advantage There are a few ways that you can make the most of the new SAT scoring system. For one, the rights-only scoring means that you shouldn’t leave any questions blank. Since there are no more point deductions, you should make your best guess on every question. Even if you’re not sure, you have a shot at getting it right (an even greater shot now that the multiple choice questions feature four answer choices instead of five!). Since math now counts as half of your total score (in the past, it counted toward one-third), you may shape your test prep to reflect this altered emphasis. You may divide your time so that you focus just as much on math as you do on the verbal sections, especially if you’re weaker in math. Of course, the way you divide your time also depends on your individual strengths and weaknesses as a student. Finally, you can use all the cross-test and subscores to inform your test prep. You should take the time to calculate these various scores for your official practice tests. Then you can look for patterns in the questions you tend to answer right and the ones you tend to get wrong. For instance, your subscores might reveal that you’re strong on Words in Context questions but need to work on Command of Evidence. You can use these score typesas feedback to adjust your test prep and target your weak spots. Reading this guide is a great initial step in studying for the SAT, as it helps you get familiar with big picture format, like timing and number of questions. Below are some moreresources for learning about thecontent ofeach section, along with some strategies for studying for the new SAT. Now that you know about the format of the new SAT, you can move on to learning about content and question types. How Can You Prep for the New SAT? Now that you understand the structure of the test, you may have some other questions that have come to mind. What exactly is Heart of Algebra, for instance. How do questions test your Command of Evidence? How do the passage-based Writing questions differ from the passage-based Reading questions? We have lots of guides covering the content of the new SAT, as well as articles that offer strategies for time management and approaching each question type. Here are a few essential ones that may be useful as your next step in learning about the SAT. New SAT Math: What's Changing? New SAT Reading Section: Changes and Strategies New SAT Writing: What You Need to Know How to Study for the New SAT in 2016 How Long Should You Study for the SAT? A 6 Step Guide Once you know exactly what to expect on test day, you can delve even deeper into content and strategies and design your best study plan to conquer the SAT. What’s Next? If you’re familiar with the ACT, you might have noticed that the SAT and ACT now look extremely similar. This guide shows just how alike the two tests are with a full comparison of the new SAT and the ACT. In addition toits format changes, another major change to the SAT is its elimination of obscure vocab words. Check out this guide to learn about how important vocabulary is on the new SAT and how to study vocab in the right way to prepare. In its efforts to becomemore transparent about the SAT, College Board partnered with Khan Academy to offer free study resources tostudents. Check out this guide to learn about Khan Academy’s SAT prep program, as well as some of its limitations. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
MNEs only tend to migrate to greener activity if force by government Essay
MNEs only tend to migrate to greener activity if force by government regulations - Essay Example The rest of the essay will present views from both sides of the debate and argue that ultimately a strong regulatory framework is essential if Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are to take green standards seriously. In looking to answer the topic question, it is useful to peruse sociological scholarship and policy literature on the subject. Conventionally, analyses of the topic have tended to focus on corporate compliance within existing legislations. Here, it is tacitly assumed that complying with regulations by targeted groups is essential and sufficient for meeting goals of social regulation. (Dahl, 2010, p.248) Another assumption is that business enterprises go out of their way and improve their green standards only when they are faced with steep penalties for failing to do so. In this analytic framework, corporations are seen as ‘amoral calculators’ of risk and reward for themselves; and their primary motive is to maximize profits while minimizing losses in the form of penalties. This used to be the traditional view on corporate compliance. Yet, in recent years a refreshingly new pattern of corporate behaviour has started to emerge, giving government agencies and social activists renewed hope. (Kagan, et. Al., 2003, p.52) â€Å"It is becoming apparent that an increasing number of companies now perform, to a greater or lesser extent, "beyond compliance" with existing regulatory requirements. This suggests that the degree of variation in, and the motivations for, corporate behaviour may be much broader than many researchers have imagined previously. This is of practical importance: some existing regulatory strategies, in focusing on compliance, have failed to facilitate, reward, or encourage beyond-compliance behaviour, or even inadvertently discourage it, while other regulatory reformers, in contrast, have argued that government-mandated self-regulation is the key to progress.†(Kagan, et. Al., 2003, p.51) Hence, it could be argued, th at MNE’s need not always be pushed by government regulations in order to make their activities clean and green. Scholars such as Samuel Loewenberg, on the other hand, are not quite enthused by the record of major corporations (especially those based in the United States), in upholding green standards. The chemical industry in the United States, which is a major contributor to environmental pollution, has been a culprit in this regard. While the industry got away with its slack quality and safety standards in its home country, it got into controversies upon entry into the European market. The EU, worried that it does not possess health and environmental data on most of the chemical compounds currently in use, is drawing up legislation that â€Å"by 2005 will require the industry to conduct extensive safety tests on 30,000 common chemicals. At least 1,500 are expected to be banned or severely restricted in their use as a result. The industry estimates that the testing alone wi ll cost it more than $7.5 billion.†(Loewenberg, 2003, p.55) MNE’s based in the United States, whose present safety norms are supported by Washington, continues to put pressure on the EU to loosen up its standards. In Washington, MNEs wielding insider connections and an abundance of campaign funds are used to wooing legislators and regulators. (Vernon, 2010, p.B04) But this tactic does not
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